Using Citation Management Software Web Page
As promised earlier this year, the CDL now has an updated information page, “Using Citation Management Software with Vendor Databases” (previously titled, “The A&I Transition and Citation Management Software”). We have revised it with input from UC library staff and discussions with vendors.
This Web page is available on the CDL public site so that it can be accessed by all users of citation management software: []
It is also linked to from the Adaptable Outreach and Instructional Materials page <> from Other Resources, EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager. Library staff can modify it for their own use at their campuses, if desired.
The document contains the following information:
–Background: steps taken prior to the transition to address this issue
–What is currently working: databases, direct searching, filters, and direct export, including exceptions, caveats, and cautions
–Known problems, including alternatives if they exist
–How to get help
–How to report problems
The CDL will continue to update this page as the landscape changes in the area of citation management software.