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CDL’s System Status web page – ‘One stop shopping’ for system information

By Jayne Dickson, CDL Information Services Analyst

At the top right of CDL’s newly redesigned website ( is a link to CDL’s System Status web page.  This System Status page brings together several useful tools in one place to facilitate checking the status of CDL’s many resources and services in a fast and easy manner. We hope you find this system status page of use whether you’re monitoring resources, serving on a reference desk, or staffing the 24/7 digital reference service.


The CDLAlert section displays a link to the latest CDLAlert issued and also provides a link to the CDLALERT-L Archive, where you can find all previously issued CDLAlerts.

CDLAlert & CDLAlert-L Archive links


The bulk of the web page is devoted to a visual display of up-to-the-minute (sort of) system status indicators for CDL resources & services (including the Next Generation Melvyl instances).  The CDL resource monitors actually check the status of a system about every 10 minutes and continually update the underpinnings of the web page.  When you click on the link to display the System Status web page, a quick ‘checking current status’ is done and the page displays the most recent information on screen.

In addition to scheduled maintenance times that occur on a daily/weekly basis, we’ll also be using the System Status web page to announce scheduled CDL system downtimes next to the appropriate resource. Not included in this list are systemwide licensed resources, which is why we’ll continue to send CDLAlerts reporting scheduled or unscheduled downtimes, interface problems, etc. with our licensed resources.

By the way, if you are a Resource Liaison and want to know how often your resource was down during the year, you can search the CDLALERT-L Archive by keyword and date to find the answer.  You can also click the month/year links to see any alerts issued during a specific month.

You’ll also find a link to the OCLC System alerts page if you’re wondering if the WorldCat Local or WorldCat Resource Sharing (potentially affecting Interlibrary Loan) services are experiencing difficulties.

Yep, ‘one-stop shopping’… the CDL System Status page is a quick and easy way to check what’s up (or down) with a resource.