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Reshaping Scholarly Communication Web Site Launched

The Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC) is happy to report that a new web site, “Reshaping Scholarly Communication,” is now live at:

The site has already received notice in SPARC’s Open Access Forum news and elsewhere.  Aimed primarily at UC scholars, the site includes background information and prototype services to assist them with understanding and approaching scholarly communication in new ways.

Services available include an extensive lookup table of price, impact, and use data for scholarly journals and model language for authors to consider adding to their publication agreements so they can retain copyrights of their work.  Under “UC Responses,” the site also links to the collective program and priorities of the UC libraries as developed by the University Librarians in spring 2004.

Many thanks go to the hard and excellent work of the team, led by OSC co-director John Ober, who contributed to the site’s production: Felicia Poe, Jennifer Colvin, Eric Satzman, Pam Daniels, Laura Fosbender, Ravi Gudipati, and Raymund Ramos.

Over the next few weeks the site will be announced to UC colleagues, including library staff, faculty, and administrators, and to others outside of UC working on the challenges and evolution of scholarly communication.  Meanwhile, and at any point, your comments and suggestions will be gratefully received.