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New Resource Available

a. Optics Infobase

By Karen Andrews (UC Davis), Resource Liaison

Optics InfoBase, the digital version of the Optical Society of America’s publications, is now available to all UC campuses at .

Optics InfoBase contains OSA’s seven signature journals as well as two co-published titles.  The digital archive backfile is included, and is fully searchable by author, title, or keyword.  Other features include automatic reference linking between articles, a personal library service, and a tailored alerting service. OSA is also contributing one print copy for the UC Shared Print Archive.

Beginning 2005, Optics InfoBase includes proceedings papers from TOPS, the ” Trends in Optics & Photonics series “.  OSA’s signature journal, JOSA, is digitized from 1917-1940, and soon its successor, ” JOSA A,” will be available back to 1950.  “Applied Optics” has feature issues devoted to optical technology and biomedical optics, information processing, and lasers, photonics and environmental optics.  Recent discoveries quickly appear in “Optics Letters,” and OSA pioneered a free, all-electronic, peer-reviewed journal, “Optics Express” as another rapid delivery journal. Non-scientists can enjoy “Optics & Photonics News”, which covers optics research applications in areas such as art and medicine without the scientific jargon.