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UC Merced transitions from WorldCat Local to WorldCat Discovery

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019, UC Merced transitioned from WorldCat Local (WCL) to WorldCat Discovery (WCD) as the basis of their Melvyl instance. All 11 Melvyl WorldCat Local instances must be transitioned to the WorldCat Discovery interface by August 9, 2019 when OCLC retires the WorldCat Local interface.

CDL’s Melvyl Operations Team has been working with each campus to make sure that all the interlocking pieces (Request, UC-eLinks) have been correctly enabled and activated in the WorldCat Discovery instance for the campus before the switch.
The WCD URLs and the switchover dates for the campuses are available on the Beta – WorldCat Discovery webpage. This way campus staff can try out the WorldCat Discovery interface before the official switchover date for their campus. (IMPORTANT: The WCD system links to the LIVE Request service.)
Additionally, campus staff who have personal lists saved on their WorldCat Local user account should be sure to export these lists into a WorldCat Discovery user account before August 9th. Information on creating, saving and exporting WorldCat Personal Lists is available in this CDLInfo article.
Campus staff members interested in a staff account, which displays the OCLC number in search results, displays MARC data, and OCLC symbols under Availability, and allows for searching by OCLC symbol (using li:<OCLC symbol>), should contact the Melvyl Operations Liaisons representative for their campus to request one.