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EZID Service Update: January 2017


Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities

  • John Kunze, EZID System Architect, and Greg Janée, EZID Technical Lead, along with a number of collaborators, published a preprint entitled “Uniform Resolution of Compact Identifiers for Biomedical Data” in bioRxiv, the preprint server for biology. It is available at
  • The recording of DataCite’s webinar on the Force 11 Software Citation Principles is now available:

EZID Partners and Clients

Our current EZID clients include academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and commercial entities.

EZID Service Description

EZID (easy-eye-dee) is a production service that gives researchers the ability to create and manage long-term identifiers so that they can to track usage, get credit for their work, share their data, and have the data reused for additional research. As a result, EZID identifiers also make it possible to increase citations, to build on previous work, to conduct new research, and avoid duplicating previous efforts.

EZID Service Manager

Joan Starr contact

EZID Training Materials, Guides, FAQs and Webinars

More information about EZID is available by contacting us. See also EZID outreach and webinars.

Service Monitoring and Availability

For information about EZID status, please consider the following options: