Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: July 2016
For June 2016 record distributions, we added several new packages of monographs: ASCE (448 titles: 442 titles of conference proceedings and 6 titles of monographs), Cornell University Press online monographs (7 titles), new packages in Springer monographs: Behavioral science and psychology (23 titles), Business and management (64 titles), Economics and finance (61 titles), and Education (32 titles), as well as Airiti PDA 2016 Feb-May (116 titles). Other major monographs packages are: Elsevier (59 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (195 titles), NBER working papers (734 titles), SPIE conference proceedings (460 titles), Springer (1518 titles which includes new packages mentioned above), Wiley (140 titles), Apabi (264 titles), and Chinamaxx (339 titles). The major serial record distributions are: EBSCO journals (163 titles which includes newspapers 148 titles), Open Access journals (131 titles which includes DOAJ 71 titles).
SCP started to catalog and distribute titles in several end-of-year purchased packages, such as Cambridge University Press eBooks and Taylor & Francis journals. For CUP titles, 377 records were sent in July. This is less than expected as record discovery procedures had to be modified on the fly after small errors were discovered. For T&F titles, 1400 previously existing T&F titles with the coverage adjusted were sent on July 11, about another 500 T&F titles were added to existed holdings from other publishers or aggregators. So far, among 3176 titles, we have about 700 titles left to catalog. While cataloging, SCP and CDLA staff work as a team to reconcile holdings between SFX, T&F, and “real” holdings. We will include more details in the next monthly update.
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