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New Tier 2 subscription: National Technical Reports Library

By Lisa Ngo (UCB), NTRL Resource Liaison

The new National Technical Reports Library (NTRL) from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) indexes over 2 million technical reports produced from government-sponsored research, with over 500,000 of those reports in full-text and more to be added as they are digitized.  Reports cover a wide range of subjects including health care, energy, transportation, civil engineering, and more, and are published by agencies like the Departments of Energy and Defense, among others.  More information about NTRL can be found at (

UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, UC Merced, and UC Davis willbe participating in the Tier 2 agreement, with UC Berkeley as the leading campus.  Lisa Ngo, at UC Berkeley’s Engineering Library, is the Resource Liaison.