CDL Milestones
With this issue of the CDLINFO-L listserv, we are launching a regular news item, “CDL Milestones,” to keep our subscribers informed about progress in building the CDL. It will include major milestones from the past, as well as important plans and actions for the future.
Past Accomplishments:
8/96 President Atkinson announces the Library Planning and Action Initiative (LPAI), to create a framework for library development over the next 5-10 years.
12/96 LPAI Advisory Task Force holds its first meeting.
2/97 LPAI web site launched to provide current information about the Initiative and strategic projects to the UC community.
4/97 Project Muse available to UC users, providing access to the full text of 40 social sciences and humanities journals.
8/97 Kluwer Online available as a trial to UC users, providing access to the full text of over 110 journals in philosophy, linguistics, computer science, engineering, biosciences, business, and economics.
10/97 California Digital Library constituted to provide access to shared digital collections that support the University’s research and teaching missions and to offer services that facilitate access to those collections.
10/97 Richard Lucier appointed Founding University Librarian and Executive Director of the CDL.
10/97 Academic Press’s IDEAL Service available to participating UC campuses. Springer’s LINK Service available as a trial service to all UC users. The first provides access to abstracts and full text of 175 journals in the sciences; and the second, to the abstracts and full text of over 200 science journals.
3/98 GaleNet Encyclopedia of Associations available, providing access to information on national and international associations.
4/98 LPAI Advisory Task Force Final Report issued; Task Force dissolved.
5/98 ACM Digital Library, SIAM Journals Online, and STAT-USA available.
The first provides access to the full text of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) journals; the second, to the full text of 10 mathematics research journals published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM); and the third, to economic, business and trade information produced by the U.S. government.
Summer Content licensing negotiations continue with 98 American Chemical Society, IEEE, Elsevier, Kluwer Academic Publishers, JSTOR, and Springer-Verlag.
7/98 The CDL will establish an interim web site, “Systemwide Planning for Libraries and Scholarly Information,” to keep the UC community and public informed about Universitywide library planning activities and initiatives, including the CDL.
7/98 The CDL will establish a new CDL web page, “About the CDL,” to provide general information and progress reports.
1/99 CDL web site of collections and services due to open.