Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: May 2015
The major monograph distributions were for Naxos (902 titles), YBP/Ebrary DDA (284 titles), Wiley (249 titles), IEEE (178 titles), Harvard University Press (134 titles), Open Access (67 titles), and CRC Press (45 titles). For serials our major distributions were for Open Access (215 titles) and EBSCO (134 titles).
There are now 3,440 DDA titles available from YBP/Ebrary, 1,962 titles available for the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 1,247 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 249 purchases from YBP/Ebrary, eleven from the EBSCO Japanese, and four from Airiti.
Until next month …