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About WEST


WEST is a distributed shared print journal archiving program founded in 2010 and hosted by the California Digital Library at the University of California. WEST members collaborate to collectively preserve and provide continued access to print collections in the long-term. This work is rooted in data-driven decision-making and sustainable practices that leverage group action to augment local capacity for strategic collection management and development.

In this section

  • See the History page to learn more about WEST’s founding and current structure
  • See the Value of WEST page to learn more about how WEST leverages the power of collaboration to achieve program goals and bring benefits to members
  • See WEST Membership to see a list of WEST members and the roles they play in the collaboration
  • See WEST Governance to learn more about governance and working groups
  • See Documents & Presentations for links to key program documents, past program assessment document, recordings of past webinars, and resource to support member work
  • See the FAQ for quick answers to common questions