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UC Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) Now Have Preservation and Access

By Patricia Cruse, Director, University of California Curation Center (UC3) and Catherine Mitchell, Director, Publishing Group Several UC campuses are actively using CDL’s preservation and access services for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) of their graduate students, exercising a […]

Merritt Digital Preservation Repository – April 2023

Merritt is a digital preservation repository from the University of California Curation Center (UC3) that enables the UC community to manage, archive, and share its valuable digital content. Welcome to the Merritt service update for April 2023 New Content and […]

Open Access Ejournal Policy and Request Form

In continuing support of innovations in scholarly publishing, the CDL has developed a written policy for cataloging open access resources ( ) and has implemented an online request form ( ).  For several years the Shared Catalog Program […]

New Resources Available via the CDL Directory

a. Contemporary Women’s Issues (CWI) [] This English-language resource, produced by Responsive Database Services, Inc., provides full-text access to global information on women.  Journals, newsletters, and research reports from non-profit groups, government, and international agencies are easily accessed through CWI.  […]

New Resources

a. Blackwell Trial Records for the 228 electronic journal titles from Blackwell Synergy are now available via the CDL Directory on a trial basis.  Follow this URL to view a listing of these journals in the Directory: [] Note: Trial […]

Go Giants! Persist!

Hundreds of thousands of Giants fans crowded the streets of downtown San Francisco ( to welcome their conquering heroes home, many having waited a lifetime for the pleasure. Orange and black confetti poured out office buildings lining the business district. […]

EZID Service Update: January 2016

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities This month announced a new metadata schema ( is the Registry of Research Data Repositories, and it has been part of DataCite since 2014. A quick search of the registry for UC […]

DMPTool Service Update: March 2017

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Templates. We’re updating some existing templates (e.g., the NEH released a 2017 PDF)  ( and auditing the complete inventory ahead of the migration to the new version of the tool. In the next version, funder/public […]