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JACS Allocations and Statistics

Campus Allocations & JACS

The JACS volumes accessioned into the RLF shared print archives are charged against campus allocations; volumes discarded through the De-Duplication Service are not charged to campus allocations. The RLFs will provide quarterly reports to the campuses (provided below).

RLF Allocation Usage Reports, JACS and other deposits

JACS Statistics

The RLFs track a variety of statistics for shared print archiving, many of which will be used to assess the JACS and De-Duplication Service.

JACS statistics being tracked includes:

  • Number of titles archived
  • Number of volumes received at RLFs
  • Number of volumes added (tracked at the campus level)
  • Number of duplicates discarded (tracked at the campus level)
  • Staff/student hours and costs spent on archiving effort
  • Staff/student hours and costs spent on deduplication effort
  • Actual costs for recycling service and transportation
  • Capacity to expand number of titles, number of volumes archived in future years
  • Space reclamation (as reported by the campuses)