Tier 2 License: Step by Step
Tier 2 acquisitions are those initiated and negotiated by campus subject selectors in which four or more UC campuses participate. Here is a quick overview. More detail is provided below.
1. Inquiry, Negotiation, and Start-up Stages
Sponsoring Campus Responsibilities
- Survey interest among other campuses through Common Knowledge Groups (CKGs) and verify current holdings.
- Notify Lisa Mackinder, Assistant Director of Systemwide Licensing at the CDL that you are pursuing a Tier 2 negotiation. (important)
- Negotiate with vendor on the following; consult with Lisa Mackinder at CDL if needed.
- o Key terms:
- Content
- Contract Term (time period, or effective date plus duration)
- Access Conditions, e.g. unlimited simultaneous user perpetual access
- Authentication, e.g. IP authentication
- Fee, e.g. license fee (per year), ongoing fee, one-time fee
- Price caps for multi-year contracts
- Payment terms, e.g. a single invoice for annual subscription fee
- APC discounts if applicable
- MARC records for large collections of monographic titles?
- Review CDL Standard License for other key terms, e.g. linking, ILL, usage statistics, training, etc. and incorporate as appropriate.
- An option for including additional campuses in the future.
- Work out a co-investment model among participating campuses.
- Obtain approval of each participating campus SCLG member (critical). The SCLG member of the sponsoring campus should send a proposal to the SCLG Proposals listserv in order to facilitate the formal approval process.
- Work on the license.
- Use the CDL Standard License Agreement (CDL/internal version) as a guideline. Use the Standard License Agreement (public version) for vendor communication.
- For Licensee, use “the Regents of the University of California for [campus and campus address]…” For example, “the Regents of the University of California for the University of California, Berkeley, a non-profit academic institution, with its principal offices at…”.
- For licensing contact, use campus contact and address. For invoicing and technical contacts, use the CDL contacts as listed in the CDL model license.
- For authorized sites, list all authorized sites and include “University of California, Office of the President” for administrative purposes.
- Obtain authorized campus signatory.
- Fill out the Tier 2 New Resource Form and send it to CDL Acquisitions. Contact Laura Fouladi at UCSD for assistance.
- Request CDL to send current IP addresses to vendor (via cdlsupport-l@ucop.edu).
- Send URL for access and vendor technical contact information to CDL Support.
- Prepare an announcement for CDLINFO; including content description and campus availability and send it to CDL Support.
- Forward a counter-signed license to Laura Fouladi at UCSD and Lisa Mackinder, the Assistant Director of Systemwide Licensing at CDL.
- Appoint an ongoing campus contact and notify CDL Support.
CDL Responsibilities:
CDL (Oakland):
- Provide guidance on vendor negotiation and licensing terms as needed.
- Maintain final copies of business terms and license agreements.
- Provide IP Addresses directly to vendor and update as needed.
- Add URL to CDL resource directory.
- Add redacted license to the CDL license web site.
- Provide technical support via CDL Helpline.
CDL Acquisitions Unit (San Diego)
- Process invoices for payment.
- Recharge campuses.
- Create official order record on Innopac.
- Maintain duplicate license agreements.
2. Maintaining a Tier 2: Annual Renewals (License in place)
Sponsoring Campus Responsibilities:
- Renegotiate the pricing or license as needed.
- Verify that the resource should be renewed.
- Forward any changes to the renewal cost shares to Laura Fouladi for CDL’s payment and recharge process.
- For standard renewals, it is not necessary to obtain SCLG approvals from each participating campus unless there are significant changes in pricing, content, or business terms.
CDL Responsibilities
CDL (Oakland)
- Maintain current IP addresses with vendors; update annually or as needed.
- Resolve access problems via CDL Helpline [(510) 987-0555].
- Maintain repository of business and license terms.
CDL Acquisitions Unit (San Diego)
- Verify accuracy of invoice and approve for payment.
- If renewal includes additional offers, request a review from sponsoring campus.
- Process renewal invoices for payment.
- Recharge campuses.
- Record any changes in status (e.g., cancellation or addition of a campus).