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SCP Program Updates: 2004

[…] only 840 that we need to process by hand because they didn't overlay. This is a small "work" price to pay for an excellent set of records. They do not have LC classification numbers but they do have quite a […]

SCP Program Updates: 2011

[…] distribute about 38,000 records for this package. A parting request as we start the new fiscal year, if there is someone you believe should be receiving these monthly updates but is not, please ask them to let me know,; […]

Interview Data

[…] UCSF Staff, Clinical Fellow staff, clinical fellow power user, does research on mobile in medical environments owns Palm, iPad, iPod Touch, laptop struggles with using library resources on phone because of authentication. "I do sometimes use the library for journals, […]

UC Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) Now Have Preservation and Access

By Patricia Cruse, Direc tor, University of California Curation Center (UC3) and Catherine Mitchell, Director, Publishing Group Several UC campuses are actively using CDL’s preservation and access services for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) of their graduate students, exercising […]

SCP Quarterly Cataloging Priorities Reports

[…] Β  2022 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q4 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2024 Q1 2024 Q2Β  SCP Quarterly Cataloging Priorities Report to the JSC: April-June 2024 Project-oriented cataloging priorities: Upcoming New purchases, Transitions, and/or Packages for reconciliation (Contingent Priorities): SCP will […]

2012 Users Council Meeting

[…] world. UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis are very involved in the project. EM, CDL: You mentioned something about faculty paying for storing their data… does the faculty pay or library? TC, CDL: Good question. Faculty can estimate what their […]

UC Davis, CDL to Lead Major Project to Build Open Access Financial Model

[…] with an $800,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, to help define the future of Open Access to scholarship. Pay It Forward: Investigating a Sustainable Model of Open Access Article Processing Charges for Large North American Research Institutions is […]

CDL joins Royal Society Open Access Membership

[…] open access publication during 2018. Royal Society’s journal content includes several traditionally subscription journals, for which authors may choose to pay an APC to make their article Open Access, as well as two full Open Access journals, for which an […]

Open Access Ejournal Policy and Request Form

[…] available ejournal content as recommended by the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC).Β  The journal records are distributed to all the campuses, entered into the CDL Directory and SFX tables (for UC-eLinks), and monitored in the same way […]

New Resources

a. Blackwell Trial Records for the 228 electronic journal titles from Blackwell Synergy are now available via the CDL Direc tory on a trial basis.Β  Follow this URL to view a listing of these journals in the Directory: Note: Trial […]