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CDL Staff at IFLA Conference

By Stephen Abrams, CDL Manager for Digital Preservation Technology Margaret Low, software engineer in Digital Preservation, recently returned from the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Annual Conference in Quebec, where she presented a very well-received paper on […]

CDL’s Twitter account, Part 2

[…] above shows. The distinction between and as referrers can be explained in this way: this isΒ the difference between someone followingΒ a link from his or her own Twitter home page, which appears as, or that same person visiting […]

CDL Releases eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) Version 2.2

By Elise Proulx Publishing Group Outreach & Marketing Coordina tor The Publishing Group of the California Digital Library (CDL) announces the release of version 2.2 of its search and display technology, the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF). XTF is an open […]


[…] service, and those that ask an indirect beneficiary to share in the support for the service. direct subscription or one-time payment pay-per-use contributor pays indirect in-kind donations, including host institution funds corporate sponsorships advertisement philanthropic funding licensing of content There […]

The Project Post-Mortem: A Valuable Tool for Continuous Improvement

[…] is one more important step before the team disbands: the project post-mortem. The name might sound forbidding (some people prefer to call it a β€œproject retrospective”), but it really just describes a process for assessing how the project went. It […]