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E-Resources Tracking: CDL Licensed Electronic Resources (May 24, 2024)

PLEASE NOTE: This page reflects CDL/Shared Cataloging Program information prior to the systemwide migration to Alma.Β  The cataloging frequencies and participant info may not be current, though the page retains value for title hooks and other historical details.Β  For more […]

E-Resources Tracking: Locally Licensed Electronic Resources

[…] online journals. or American Mathematical Society (Note: CDL licensed package) UCB American Mathematical Society UCB access. $5CU toolbar%5Fnav/jag%5Fall American Medical Association Archives journals (via HighWire Press) (Note: open access content cataloged by SCP) UCB American Medical Association […]

EZID Service Update: March 2014

[…] DataCite’s biannial strategic planning meeting and general assembly in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of March. The meeting was scheduled to coincide with the Research Data Alliance third plenary meeting (, which some EZID clients may have attended. A key […]

EZID Service Update: April 2014

Β  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID responded to the widely reported OpenSSL β€œHeartbleed” bug by upgrading our OpenSSL installation and replacing our security certificates to eliminate this particular vulnerability. For more information about CDL’s response to the Heartbleed bug, […]

EZID Service Update: February 2014

Β  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities In late January, 2014, the URL for EZID’s home page changed from to The URL for the application programming interface (API) also changed to This change provides a more natural branding […]

EZID Service Update: October 2013

[…] that contain both the required and recommended metadata. EZID clients have now created more than 1 million identifiers! In Oc tober, the overall total of ARKs grew to almost 700,000, and the total number of DOIs is above 470,000. As […]

EZID Service Update: November-December 2013

Β  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID clients are invited to comment on a draft set of Data Citation Principles put forth by a coalition representing many of the groups who have been working on data citation principles and guidelines […]

EZID Service Update: January 2014

Β  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities In late January 2014, the URL for EZID’s home page changed from to The URL for the application programming interface (API) will also change to This change provides a more natural […]

Literature Resources

[…] webcam and Wolf Walk) and considers basic questions in developing for mobile Sierra, T., & Wust, M. (2009, June 24). Towards Mobile Enhanced Digital Collections. Presented at the Second International m-Libraries Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Retrieved from past and […]

EZID Service Update: July, August and September 2013

[…] will offer more end-user control over identifier ownership. More details will be available soon. EZID technical staff completed an update to the EZID User Interface (UI) allowing submission of DataCite XML for the new version 3.0 required and recommended metadata […]