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New Resource Available

[…] future CDLINFO item announcing their availability. As recommended by the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Content and the US His tory/Women’s Studies Bibliographers, the CDL has purchased the two full-text databases–North American Women’s Letters and Diaries, Colonial-1950, and The American […]

New Resources Available

NOTE: New resources listed below are not yet in the CDL Direc tory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks.Β  You can access them directly from the URL provided. A list of recently added […]

EZID Service Update

[…] Manager Service Description EZID (easy-eye-dee) is a production service that makes it simple for digital object producers (researchers and others) to obtain and manage long-term identifiers for their digital content. EZID makes objects easier to access, re-use and verify. As […]

5 Steps to Managing Your Performance Evaluation

[…] will help you reach the goals you set and make your performance review more meaningful. β€œControl your own destiny or someone else will.”  — Jack Welch Now It’s Your Turn Next Friday, block out half an hour to write a brief […]

Discover the groundbreaking research of UC’s Nobel Laureates in eScholarship

Last month, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Saul Perlmutter, an astrophysicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and professor at UC Berkeley. Want to explore his groundbreaking research? Check out some of his recent publications (,%20S.%22%22Perlmutter,%20S.%22;creator-join=or) in […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. Access to OCLC Databases Changing Soon OCLC is making a significant change in the way they handle their Z39.50 databases.Β  The result of this change is that the FirstSearch databases available from CDL via Z39.50 will ONLY be available […]

CDL Database Transitions

[…] Colby, Resource Liaison for RILM) On August 15, RILM transitioned from the OCLC interface accessible via the CDL-hosted databases interface, to the native interface offered by NISC. UC access to RILM can now be found at . Β  At first […]

CDL Conventions for Cataloging Electronic Resources

[…] record. For information about which elements to include in the OCLC master record, refer to the PCC Provider-Neutral cataloging guidelines. Pay close attention to the URLs for databases as they tend to be subscription specific and sometimes campus-specific. If campus-specific […]

Statistics Summary Reports Available

The latest statistical profile of the CDL is now available from the “About the CDL” publications web page [] and the Evaluation Activities page [], entitled [] The California Digital Library: Key Indicators of Collections and Use (July 1, […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. Reminder – Access to OCLC Database Changing WorldCat (WCAT), PapersFirst (PAPR) and ProceedingsFirst (PROC) will be available ONLY in OCLC’s web interface (native mode) and no longer available via Z39.50 in the CDL-hosted databases interface.Β  This change is earlier […]