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The University of California Library Reprints Service Takedown Policy

The University of California Libraries are highly respectful of intellectual property rights. If you are concerned that, within our UC Library Reprints Service, you have found material for which you are the rights owner, please contact us in writing stating the following:

  1. Your contact information
  2. Identifying details for the material.  Please include title, author, publisher, and date of publication if possible.
  3. The web address where you found the content.
  4. A statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights owner or are authorized to act for the rights owner.

Use the feedback form or send your email to, with a subject line of “UC Library Reprints takedown inquiry”.

The California Digital Library will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the complaint.  If we are not able to determine, within 10 business days that the Library is permitted to use the work(s) in question, the material will be removed from the UC Libraries Reprints Service within 5 business days of that determination.