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Artstor Migrates to JSTOR Platform

Artstor is now available at the JSTOR platform (, and the legacy Artstor website ( will be retired on August 1, 2024. JSTOR has been working on this migration since early 2023, while continuously improving the JSTOR platform to better […]

New Resources Available

a. Blackwell Academic Publishing Full-text access for all campuses to all titles from Blackwell Academic Publishing is now available.  This package represent a significant addition of over 225 new titles to our electronic holdings in the subject areas of Social […]

Information Literacy Article

The lead story and several other features in this month’s TLtC Webzine and Online Forum focuses on libraries, thanks to Editor Paula Murphy.  The lead story, “A 21st Century Challenge: Preparing ‘Cut and Paste’ Students to be ‘Information Literate’ Citizens” […]

New Resources Available

a. 10 Proquest Databases The databases included in this package from ProQuest have long been high priorities for UC campus subject selectors. EEBO, in particular, was repeatedly requested by English literature, Women’s Studies, and Performing Arts librarians. The Joint Steering […]

Migration to Web of Knowledge (Beth Weil, UCB)

After lengthy negotiations, the California Digital Library has signed a 5-year subscription agreement with ISI for access to the Web of Science database and has migrated to Web of Knowledge (WoK) platform on November 13, 2002.  The Joint Steering Committee […]

New Resources Available

NOTE: New resources listed below may not yet be in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks.  You can access them directly from the URL provided. a. Image Collections via Luna […]

Current Contents to be Cancelled

This is a reminder that Current Contents via Ovid will be cancelled as of January 1, 2005. The CDL will send a series of three reminders to UC patrons who currently have CC Alerts on October, November, and December 1. […]

Taylor & Francis: Newly Licensed Titles for 2008


As part of the 2008 renewal process for the Taylor & Francis online journals, 191 recommended titles, including former Lawrence Earlbaum journals, have been added to the CDL's site license with T&F.