By Joan Starr, EZID Service Manager Service Description EZID (easy-eye-dee) is a production service that makes it simple for digital object producers (researchers and others) to obtain and manage long-term identifiers for their digital content. EZID makes objects easier to […]
With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and resulting healthcare concerns, as well as the widespread and potentially long term closures that WEST libraries are experiencing, the WEST project team encourages any member institutions that are still open and operating to pause […]
Last month, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Saul Perlmutter, an astrophysicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and professor at UC Berkeley. Want to explore his groundbreaking research? Check out some of his recent publications (,%20S.%22%22Perlmutter,%20S.%22;creator-join=or) in […]
a. Alexander Street Press Correction: North American Women’s Letters and Diaries and The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries will not be released until this spring. There will be a future CDLINFO item announcing their availability. As recommended by the […]
a. Access to OCLC Databases Changing Soon OCLC is making a significant change in the way they handle their Z39.50 databases. The result of this change is that the FirstSearch databases available from CDL via Z39.50 will ONLY be available […]
a. RILM Changes (Michael Colby, Resource Liaison for RILM) On August 15, RILM transitioned from the OCLC interface accessible via the CDL-hosted databases interface, to the native interface offered by NISC. UC access to RILM can now be found at […]
The latest statistical profile of the CDL is now available from the “About the CDL” publications web page [] and the Evaluation Activities page [], entitled [] The California Digital Library: Key Indicators of Collections and Use (July 1, […]
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities John Kunze, EZID’s Lead Architect, presented a paper at SciDataCon, part of International Data Week in Denver, CO (September 11-17). John’s paper, “A Vocabulary for Persistence,” ( was part of the Semantic Enrichment, Metadata and […]
a. Reminder – Access to OCLC Database Changing WorldCat (WCAT), PapersFirst (PAPR) and ProceedingsFirst (PROC) will be available ONLY in OCLC’s web interface (native mode) and no longer available via Z39.50 in the CDL-hosted databases interface. This change is earlier […]