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Showing 101 - 110 of 200 results for "Смотреть онлайн Девятаев 2021 смотрите фильм в хорошем качестве hd 720 1080 тут >>>"

Spotlight on AGUA Development: Metadata Validation

One of the major projects WEST undertook in 2021 to enhance AGUA was a project to improve metadata validation practices to support more rigorous data analysis by the AGUA Technical Team and to report back findings to WEST members to […]

ACRL Top Trends – Collaborative collections and shared print

The 2021–22 ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee recently released its top trends in academic libraries, which includes collaborative collections and the rapidly expanding shared print community. The Committee highlights shared print’s status as a change agent helping libraries balance […]

New Scholarly Communication Investments by CDL 2022

[…] Group (SCLG), is pleased to have been able to invest in several important open resources and tools in Fiscal Year 2021-22, reflecting our commitment to ’invest in open’ by allocating a portion of our collections funding to the development of […]

Good news in Shared Collections: Lisa Moske

[…] candidate for the Shared Collections Service Manager position. Her new position starts today, May 1st. Lisa joined us in September 2021 in a contract position with CDL as the Shared Content Service Support Coordinator position. She – and we – […]

CDL Staff in Print – SCP Article in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

[…] eliminate the redundancy of efforts by centralizing the optimization of cataloging efficiency.   The full article is available here: 1080/01639374.2017.1388895. One for Nine Ten: Cataloging for Consortia Collections, a UC model (link to external site) (link to external […]

Articles and Reports

[…] Kemp, J, Dean, C, Chodacki, J.  (2018) "Can Richer Metadata Rescue Research?", The Serials Librarian, 74:1-4, 207-211, DOI: 10. 1080/0361526X.2018.1428483  Chodacki, J, Cruse, P, Lin, J, Neylon, C, Pattinson, D, Strasser, C. (2018). Supporting Research Communications: A guide (Version […]