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WEST Logo and Member Badges

If WEST members wish to use the WEST logo for WEST communications, such as calls for holdings or requests for transferring commitments, the official logo can be downloaded below.

Western Regional Storage Trust logo graphic image


Here in WEST we’re incredibly proud and grateful for the work our members have done and continue to do to collaboratively develop, manage, and coordinate the identification, retention, and registration of a shared, distributed collection of print content across libraries.

Because of this, we want to provide you with a way to celebrate your contributions in WEST at-a-glance and show off the work that we’ve done to enable discovery, access, and informed decision-making among member institutions.

Are you a WEST Member looking to display the breadth of the collection your patrons now have access to through WEST? Consider displaying our WEST Member Badge on your website:

Member WEST Access to 833,000+ Volumes graphic image

Are you an Archive Holder or Builder looking to highlight the specific number of titles your institution has archived as part of WEST? Consider displaying our WEST Archive Holder Badge or the WEST Archive Builder Badge in addition to or in place of the WEST Member Badge on your website:

Archive Holder WEST Access to 833,000+ Volumes 33,000+ Volumes Archived Locally graphic image

Archive Builder WEST Access to 833,000+ Volumes 33,000+ Volumes Archived Locally graphic image

Displaying the Badges on Your Website

To put either of these badges on your website, work with your website manager to paste in the following block of HTML in your desired location:

WEST Member Badge

<div style=”border:#CF7C4B; border-width:5px; border-style:solid; text-align:center”>

<h2 style=”font-family: Arial; color:#11384B”>Member</h2>

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”WEST Logo Image”></a>


WEST Archive Holder Badge

<div style=”border:#CF7C4B; border-width:5px; border-style:solid; text-align:center”>

<h2 style=”font-family: Arial; color:#11384B”> Archive Holder</h2>

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”WEST Logo Image”></a>

<h3 style=”font-family: Arial; color:#11384B” >13,000+ Volumes Archived Locally</h3>


WEST Archive Builder Badge

<div style=”border:#CF7C4B; border-width:5px; border-style:solid; text-align:center”>

<h2 style=”font-family: Arial; color:#11384B”> Archive Builder</h2>

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”WEST Logo Image”></a>

<h3 style=”font-family: Arial; color:#11384B” >33,000+ Volumes Archived Locally</h3>


For Archive Holders and Builders, change the highlighted text to reflect the current number of titles you’ve archived for WEST or to display the total number of titles in WEST’s collection.

These badges can be displayed prominently on their own page or be featured in headers, footers, or side bars so that website visitors can see your WEST participation highlighted on whatever page they happen to be on. For help with these badges please contact the WEST Project Team.