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Accessing the WEST collections

WEST Archive Holders and Builders agree to make WEST-retained materials available to other WEST members, and to any other libraries to which WEST members lend materials, in accordance with the WEST Access Policy and WEST lending instructions (in Appendix 2 of the Access Policy) using established local practices, systems, workflows, and policies. 

The following delivery methods are preferred and recommended for all Archive Types, in order of precedence:

  1. Provide electronic document delivery (including color scans when appropriate)
  2. Provide photocopies
  3. Loan the physical issue or volume to the borrowing institution for building use only

To facilitate discovery of shared print holdings for borrowing purposes, WEST maintains a Profiled Group (formerly called a Group Access Capability, or GAC) with OCLC of all current WEST members and past members that still serve as Archive Holders. WEST also maintains a RapidILL pod for current members; WEST members that participate in Rapid are automatically enrolled in this pod. For more information about how to borrow WEST materials, see the WEST borrowing instructions in Appendix 2 of the Access Policy. Please direct any questions about these groups to the WEST Project Team.

Additionally, through WEST’s participation in the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance, WEST members agree to make archived materials available to other Rosemont participating libraries, as stated in the Rosemont Access Principles and reiterated in the WEST Access Policy.