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CDL ERMS Portal Search Help

Search for a Journal by Title / ISSN

The A-to-Z title search looks only for journal titles. It does not search journal content.

Title begins with:

This is the default search. Enter 2 or more letters of the beginning of the title. The more letters you enter, the more specific the search. Initial articles (the, a, an, etc.) are ignored by the search engine. No wildcards or truncation characters are needed or valid in this search.

Title equals:

Enter the exact title. Initial articles (the, a, an, etc.) are ignored by the search engine. No wildcards or truncation characters are needed or valid in this search.


A search for The New York Times will find “New York Times.”

ISSN equals:

Enter the exact ISSN with or without a hyphen. Print or electronic ISSNs are accepted, although not all titles have been assigned a print and electronic ISSN.


A search for 0362-4331 will find “New York Times.”

Title contains all words:

Enter one or more title words in any order. This search will match titles that contain all words. You can use an asterisk (*) to find partial words (e.g. neuro*).


A search for educa* ann* will find “American annals of education,” “Information technology in childhood education annual” and “Educational foundations (Ann Arbor, Mich.).”

Search Help page content courtesy of Serials Solutions.