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Electronic Resource Management System

The CDL Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) provides a single location for recording information about CDL-managed resources for all stages of the resource management lifecycle. The system uses Serials Solutions’ 360 Resource Manager, and provides an accessible interface for CDL staff located at the UCOP offices in Oakland, as well as the CDL Acquisitions and Shared Cataloging Program staff located at UC San Diego. The primary system has been in use by CDL staff since late 2009.

The Resource Management software includes a web interface for viewing license terms of use information (which is of particular interest to campus library ILL staff), as well as information about campus participants in a given resource. The portal was launched in early 2010 for use by campus library staff.

Continued work is being undertaken by the CDL ERMS Operations team as well as the members of the Licensed Resource, Shared Cataloging Program and Resource Wranglers teams. Additional information about current projects, as well as relevant documentation and presentations, will be posted here as it becomes available.

ERMS Operations Team

Dickson, JayneSenior Information Services Analyst
Moran, AdrianaCDL Acquisitions Coordinator