Showing 101 - 110 of 200 results for ""
We spend our days attending lots of meetings, yet the well-managed meeting stands out as a rare gem. It’s not easy to run a good meeting, and in our increasingly virtual world it’s even harder to run an effective virtual […]
a. Planning for the New Melvyl: Good News on the Personal Author Front One of the many features that distinguish Melvyl as a catalog with extraordinarily sophisticated power is that users can look for personal authors and retrieve the pertinent […]
In July 2022, Oxford research books collections will move to the Oxford Academic platform ( This means that books will be available alongside journals in a single place for the first time. The Oxford Academic platform will be familiar to […]
NOTE: New resources listed below are not yet in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks. You can access them directly from the URL provided. A list of recently added content […]
Ivy Anderson, Director of Collections California Digital Library Late last week, Google and the plaintiffs filed their final briefs in defense of the Google Books Amended Settlement Agreement (ASA) that is before the New York Southern Federal District Court. As […]
By Myrtis Cochran (Resource Liaison), UC Berkeley Changes have been made to enhance the interface and functionality of the Periodicals Contents Index (PCI) and Periodicals Contents Index—Full Text (PCI-FT) databases. Each database has a new name. PCI is now called […]
UC campuses now have access to these electronic resources as part of CDL consortial licenses: Alloy Phase Diagram Center Online, Empire Online, Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān, Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures, Everyday Life and Women in America, Latin American Data Base, Play Index, and Rand California.