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Showing 101 - 110 of 200 results for ""

New Resources Available

NOTE: New resources listed below are not yet in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks.  You can access them directly from the URL provided. A list of recently added content […]

PCI and PCI-FT Changes

By Myrtis Cochran (Resource Liaison), UC Berkeley Changes have been made to enhance the interface and functionality of the Periodicals Contents Index (PCI) and Periodicals Contents Index—Full Text (PCI-FT) databases.  Each database has a new name.  PCI is now called […]

How to Host an Effective Virtual Meeting

We spend our days attending lots of meetings, yet the well-managed meeting stands out as a rare gem. It’s not easy to run a good meeting, and in our increasingly virtual world it’s even harder to run an effective virtual […]

Oxford Ebooks migrate to Oxford Academic platform

In July 2022, Oxford research books collections will move to the Oxford Academic platform ( This means that books will be available alongside journals in a single place for the first time.  The Oxford Academic platform will be familiar to […]

SCP Update – April 2024

Highlights on Titles Cataloged for CDLManaged Electronic Collections in March 2024 ACM Digital Library Complete: 47 ASME Digital Collection eBooks (2023-): 3 Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2023 All eBooks: 1,606 CNPe-Reading (易阅通) (Local-L DDA): 186 IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) […]

New Resources Available

a. ASM Handbooks Online By Camille Wanat (UC Berkeley), Resource Liaison The ASM Handbooks Online is a new Tier 2 acquisition negotiated on behalf of six participating campuses: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, and UC San […]

An Array of New Licensed Resources


UC campuses now have access to these electronic resources as part of CDL consortial licenses: Alloy Phase Diagram Center Online, Empire Online, Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān, Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures, Everyday Life and Women in America, Latin American Data Base, Play Index, and Rand California.