Showing 191 - 200 of 200 results for "🐉➲ Koupit Ivermektin Bez Receptu 💎 💎 Ivermektin verKoupit od $2.85 ➲🐉Ivermektin Tablety Koupit Bez Lékařského Předpisu Kanada. Koupit Ivermektin Levné Online Pro Lidi"
a. Blackwell Trial Records for the 228 electronic journal titles from Blackwell Synergy are now available via the CDL Directory on a trial basis. Follow this URL to view a listing of these journals in the Directory: [] Note: Trial […]
American West (AmWest) is a three-year William and Flora Hewlett Foundation grant to assemble a virtual collection drawing from the resources of major research institutions. Learn more at
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Templates. We’re updating some existing templates (e.g., the NEH released a 2017 PDF) ( and auditing the complete inventory ahead of the migration to the new version of the tool. In the next version, funder/public […]
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities This month announced a new metadata schema ( is the Registry of Research Data Repositories, and it has been part of DataCite since 2014. A quick search of the registry for UC […]
[…] the same time, including the Melvyl Catalog, CDL-hosted Databases, campus-licensed databases, electronic journals (e.g., Elsevier, JSTOR), the CDL Directory, the Online Archive of California, reference tools (e.g., Encyclopedia Britannnica), and Infomine. It was based on the successful Database Advisor developed […]
[…] will be added. CDL-hosted Databases – links to holdings for books and other monographs in BIOSIS, INSPEC, and PsycINFO; links to Digital Dissertations from the Melvyl Catalog and PsycINFO; and the Online and Print Access displays will be standardized across databases.
Background California Counts, CDL’s planned gateway to social science data, is Phase I of CDL’s government information initiative. California Counts will provide a single, easy-to-use, WWW interface through which users can easily find, combine, display, and use data. The California […]
Responses from the May 2000 Subject Selector Surveys for Digital Collection Development are now available on the libstaff web site []. The surveys are conducted by the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSCSC) as part of its role […]
You like your job but even so, Monday morning can arrive as a bit of a shock to the system. You sprint into the weekend, have a fun if exhausting time, and try not to think about the work-week ahead. You […]
Four UC campuses have recently purchased several newspaper archives at CNBKSY. Participating UC campuses include: Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, and Irvine. The China Times 時事新報 1911-1949 Access at: CNBKSY has digitized 147,000 pages of The […]