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[…] American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (see ASABE) All campuses UC has access to: ASAE Standards, ASAE Journals ( 3 titles), Annual Meeting Papers, 2001-, in addition to a number of conference proceedings. ASAE Technical Library website Title hook: […]
[…] to communicate with students Latimer, D. (2008, June). Text Messaging as Emergency Communication Superstar? Nt so gr8. EDUCAUSE Review, 43( 3), 84-85. text messaging "suffers from several disadvantages including inherent design problems, the opt-in process, character limits, and vulnerability to […]
[…] libraries and beyond the price that the UC libraries could afford. The UC Health and Life Sciences selectors (UCHLS) spent over a year negotiating with Elsevier for a reasonably priced and specific set of educational content (textbooks and journals); however […]
<p>The UC campuses have recently obtained perpetual access to nearly every Springer ebook published in English and German from 2005 to 2009, including Landolt-Bornstein, the largest compilation of data in physics and chemistry. </p>
[…] at the end of March. The meeting was scheduled to coincide with the Research Data Alliance third plenary meeting (http://www.rd, which some EZID clients may have attended. A key outcome of the DataCite meeting was the endorsement ( of […]
[…] title. Decisions about each campus’ preferences and purchases will need to be submitted to me by Friday, April 30. In order to determine the best pricing, all campuses will need to comply with this deadline. Please share this information widely […]
[…] our security certificates to eliminate this particular vulnerability. For more information about CDL’s response to the Heartbleed bug, see -notice-regarding-us-cert-cve-2014-0160-heartbleed-bug-openssl-vulnerability/. The team conducted an upgrade of the backend ARK (N2T) storage and resolution infrastructure to a more modern, flexible, […]
[…] Data Curation Conference (IDCC) in San Francisco. Most of the conference materials are now available online: Program with presentations: uk/events/idcc14/programme-presentations Posters: Workshops: EZID Partners and Clients Our current EZID clients include academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations […]
[…] Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID’s user interface (UI) was enhanced allowing submission of DataCite XML for the new version 3.0 required and recommended metadata elements. Submitting as much of the recommended metadata as possible is very important. Thomson Reuters […]