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CDL welcomes Greg Janée

By John Kunze, CDL Preservation Technologies Architect Please join me in welcoming a new half-time developer, Greg Janée to the UC Curation Center.  Greg will be working remotely from Santa Barbara, where the other half of his time goes to […]

Farewell Rosalie Lack

By Ivy Anderson, Director of Collection Development & Management Rosalie Lack will be leaving the CDL in early March for an exciting new opportunity as Deputy Director of an international non-profit library consortium called ( ). Her last day […]

A habit of resilience

I’ve been reading an article in the January/February issue of Harvard Business Review (HBR), “How to Bounce Back from Adversity.” If you have access to HBR online, here’s a link. The freely available Idea in Brief is here. Based on old […]

Exit Stage Left

I’ve just been involved in planning the end of a project. You might even say that we killed it before it got off the ground. At the same time, I’m helping to author a service level agreement which, of course, includes […]

Practicing at communities of practice

I like the phrase “community of practice.” It captures togetherness and the idea that we are practising something. We might not have it down pat. The notion has continual appeal, too, as an approach to knowledge sharing. When you try to create a community of practice […]

5 Tips for Successful Career Collaboration

Why do we look so happy in these pictures? Lena and I are collaborators in the truest sense, both about our shared work and about our “professional fitness.” Our collaboration has been a boon to both our careers and a genuine personal pleasure. […]

How to Embrace Innovation

Innovation is about making changes — doing things differently, thinking differently. What’s helpful to know is the changes you make don’t have to be huge and dramatic. Incremental changes like putting one foot into the gym to launch a long-term […]

How Portable Are Your Skills?

In the good old days, you worked at the same job for the same organization your entire work-life. Oh, you might get promoted or transferred, but you didn’t leave. There was an unspoken compact that you would give loyalty to the […]

Project ecology

It’s standard to describe software development and implementation projects as having “life cycles.” If you look at some of the cool new agile tools, you’ll see another paradigm: story-telling, in which a project becomes a narrative, and each task is […]

Strategic travel

Has your travel budget been getting you down? Or should I say, has the absence of a travel budget been getting you down? I’ve written here about what it takes to work remotely, and I’ve been thinking lately about how to […]