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5 Steps to Managing Your Performance Evaluation

Most of us shudder when it’s time for our annual performance review. Not only is it time-consuming but it can also be stressful, since you don’t know whether you and your manager will see eye-to-eye on your performance. You actually […]

CDL Releases eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) Version 2.2

By Elise Proulx Publishing Group Outreach & Marketing Coordinator The Publishing Group of the California Digital Library (CDL) announces the release of version 2.2 of its search and display technology, the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF). XTF is an open source, […]

Going Beyond Pie Charts: More Ways to Use Visuals

“Love pie. Hate pie-charts” is a playful quote from a talented data designer featured below. It captures the we-can-do-better attitude of the individuals and organizations leading the charge for clear and effective visuals to get your point across. After an […]

The Project Post-Mortem: A Valuable Tool for Continuous Improvement

Now that your team has finally delivered its project, there is one more important step before the team disbands: the project post-mortem. The name might sound forbidding (some people prefer to call it a “project retrospective”), but it really just […]

HathiTrust Webinar Available Online

Is your 52 volume set of Voltaire checked out but someone else needs to use it?  HathiTrust to the rescue! Want to learn more about HathiTrust, how it’s governed, what it contains and how people use it?  HathiTrust partners participated […]