Showing 131 - 140 of 200 results for ""
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities DMPTool webinar series: The first webinar, an introduction to the DMPTool, will be May 28. Register for the webinar: ( Read more about the webinar series: ( We’ve created two advisory boards for the DMPTool, […]
The University of California Libraries will join with the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin and University of Florida in a groundbreaking initiative to identify and make available digital versions of “orphan works” ( within the holdings of the HathiTrust […]
Readers are reminded that the CDL’s “Collections Update” document (available at []) is updated regularly with information about resources being negotiated and expected times for availability. Campus Collection Development Officers also have current status information. a. ABC/CLIO’s America: History and […]
Readers are reminded that the CDL’s “Collections Update” document (available at: []) is updated regularly with information about resources being negotiated and expected times for availability. Campus Collection Development Officers also have current status information. Online versions of the nearly […]
The Library of California [ ] (created in 1998 with the goal to link all libraries in the state) and the CDL have formed a partnership to encourage the creation of new digital library information and services. The partnership also […]
In response to COVID-19 library service disruptions, HathiTrust has taken an important step to open up copyrighted material in their digital library to member institutions with copies of those items in their physical collections. UC faculty, students, and staff at […]
The American Library Association’s Executive Board has just announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic they are canceling the 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for June 25-30 in Chicago. In light of this cancelation, WEST will be exploring alternatives for […]
Update (6/3/20): Bay Area counties have updated their shelter in place orders with a phased re-opening approach for some businesses; however, the shelter in place order is still in place for the general population. Currently, CDL will remain on telecommute […]
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID clients had another interesting exchange about “evolving” or dynamic datasets this month. This is clearly a topic that concerns many data managers. The latest discussion is here: In late November, DataCite held […]
The Metasearch Infrastructure Project seeks to develop a robust set of tools for crafting tailored search interfaces to diverse information resources for specific audiences and/or purposes. For additional background information, including previous updates.
Update (The metasearch infrastructure project is no longer active. See: []