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New Shared Print Website

Emily Stambaugh, Shared Print Manager CDL/CDC Shared Print has a new website. The new site is integrated into Inside CDL and can be accessed through the Collection Development Process and Collections pages.  The site consists of two parts: 1. Main Shared Print […]

SCP Program Updates: 2004

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SCP Program Update December 2004 General news: Despite the fact that the UCSD Libraries were closed during the last week of the year, we were still productive in […]

Users Council Annual Meeting – May 9, 2008

[…] site more dynamic. A research blog where students can ask questions out in the open. Assessment – collaborating with the writing program with a goal of reaching all the students who take Writing 10 and using RefWorks, which is the […]

Mass Digitization: Open Content Alliance and the UC Libraries

On December 6, 2006, Microsoft released the beta Live Search Books (http://books, providing a new portal to access UC libraries books scanned by the Internet Archive (IA) for the Open Content Alliance.  An initial review of Microsoft’s service was […]

CDL Database Transitions

[…] four authoritative, pre-set indexes are available for verifying terms used in the database.  These include Personal Names, Locations and Places, Companies, and Subjects (the afore-mentioned online thesaurus of official ABI/Inform “concept” terms–missing in action from CDL ABI/Inform for as long […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. Planning for the New Melvyl: Good News on the Personal Author Front One of the many features that distinguish Melvyl as a catalog with extraordinarily sophisticated power is that users can look for personal authors and retrieve the pertinent […]

SCP Program Updates: 2002

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SCP Program Update: December 2002 General news: New this month are two arts databases and their full-text journals (International Index to Music Periodicals and International Index to Performing […]

SCP Program Updates: 2006

Jan Feb Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec SCP Program Update October-December 2006 Featured New E-Resource for July-September: Journal@rchive. This is an almost completely open access package from Japan that is the equivalent of PubMed Central in the United States. This database […]

Opening More Books for Public Access – HathiTrust’s CRMS Project

[…] non-US books were investigated to see if the author death dates could be found and verified.  As a result of these reviews, over 500,000 copyright determinations were made. Of these, over 300,000 volumes were found to be in public domain and opened […]

Detailed Description Of New Vendor Versions Of Transitioning Databases

[…] values or experimental results.  Only data that is in the title or abstract or is encountered by the indexer when writing the abstract is considered for inclusion.  Users may limit results to articles discussing a particular type (such as Bandwidth, […]