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April Web Archiving Service Workshops (14th, 19th & 25th)

The California Digital Library will be offering two introductory Web Archiving Service sessions in April and another session to preview forthcoming enhancements to the service. Web Archiving Service Introduction Sessions On April 14th and again on the 25th at 9:30 […]

WorldCat Discovery Services beta is launched

On April 30, 2014 OCLC released the WorldCat Discovery Services beta to existing WorldCat Local customers. OCLC has provided campus-specific preview URLs for the WorldCat Discovery Services (Beta) interface. Links to the beta are available on the CDL Melvyl website. […]

New Online Archive of California (OAC)Interface

On July 15, 2002, a new version of the Online Archive of California (OAC) was released to the public at  The Online Archive of California (OAC) describes and provides access to over 6000 collections of primary source materials such […]

New Licensed Resource: Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) — Literature

All UC campuses now have access to Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) — Literature. Note: Some campuses may have already had access via local subscriptions.; All campuses, on the Oxford Handbooks platform. Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO), the home of scholarly research […]

Next-Generation Technical Services Update: June 2012 Review

Six of the Power of Three ( groups (POTs) have been charged and actively working since August 2011. Due to the complexity of “Developing policies and practices to implement a technical infrastructure for collaborative UC digital services,” POT 1 did […]

Merritt Service Update: May 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Work is in-progress and on track for the following high priority development activities, slated for completion this summer: Migrate Merritt’s underlying technical infrastructure from physical servers to Virtual Machines (VM). (All UCOP services are […]

Merritt Service Update: July 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities SDSC update. We have successfully resolved all the issues with the storage node at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) Cloud Storage service, and are now sending all newly submitted content to SDSC. […]

UC3 Dash Service Update: September 2014

UC3 Dash is a systemwide service we are developing in partnership with UC campus libraries. It will allow UC campuses to provide an easy-to-use solution for the effective curation of and access to campus research data. Dash is a centralized […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: February 2017

For the month of January, our major serial record distributions include Open Access journals (407 titles which include: DOAJ, 369 titles; ScienceDirect online journals, 24 titles), China online journals (87 titles). For monographs, the major record distributions are: American Institute […]

Usability Testing Workshops Scheduled for November

The CDL, with the endorsement and assistance of SOPAG, is sponsoring a workshop this November designed to increase UC library systemwide expertise in usability issues and methods.  The workshop is aimed at library staff who are involved with online system […]