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Let’s be consistent: Best Practices for UC Library Home Pages

UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS) appointed a task force to examine best practices for UC library home pages so that our users experience a consistently clear (and common) understanding of our services.  The task group’s report is now available. […]

NIH/NLM rolls out an updated PubMed

An updated version of PubMed will replace the current version; the new PubMed is currently scheduled to become the default in spring 2020, replacing the legacy version.  According to the November-December 2019 NLM Technical Bulletin, new features include: Improved search […]

New and improved Dash

Researchers are increasingly being asked to publish their datasets. For some disciplines, there are well-known conventions and repositories for doing this. However, for the vast majority of researchers, it is difficult to determine best practices and/or trustworthy places to publish […]

WorldCat Discovery beta: Saved Searches

This month’s WorldCat Discovery installation on June 15, 2017 included the following new features and enhancements. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these do not have an impact on Melvyl.) New […]