Gould, Maria, “An Introduction to the Research Organization Registry”, Virtual ESIP Winter Meeting, January 7-9
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Open Data Metrics”, Texas Digital Library, Virtual, January 20
Gould, Maria, “Choose Your Own Curation Adventure: A Journal through Institutional Metadata in the Research Organization Registry”, PIDapalooza, Lisbon, January 29
Chodacki, John, Paglione, Laura, “Metadata activism: What can YOU do?”, PIDapalooza, Lisbon, January 30
Chodacki, John, “Managing Technical and Cultural Change in Research”, National Institutes of Health Meeting on General Repositories, Washington, DC, February 11
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Community Minded Data Publishing at Dryad”, National Institutes of Health Meeting on General Repositories, Washington, DC, February 11
Praetzellis, Maria, “Interoperability and the RDA Common Standard for Data Management Plans”, Research Data Alliance Virtual Plenary, April 7
Gould, Maria, “Research Organization Registry”, Research Data Alliance Virtual Plenary, April 9
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Responding to & Aligning with an Evolving Research Landscape”, NIH Webinar Sharing, Discovering and Citing COVID-19 Data and Code in Generalist Repositories, April 24
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Ask a Repository: Make Data Count Implementation”, Make Data Count, Webinar, January
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Current State of Research Data Metrics”, National Institutes of Health Meeting on Data Metrics, Virtual Workshop, January 19
Chodacki, John, Fenner, Martin, Lowenberg, Daniella, “5 Steps Towards a Dream State: Persistent & Open Data Metrics”, PIDapalooza, Dublin, January 23
Lowenberg, Daniella, Gould, Maria, “Finding Buried Treasures: The Quest to PIDify Affiliations in Data Pubs”, PIDapalooza, Dublin, January 24
Gould, Maria, “Let’s ROR Together!” PIDapalooza, Dublin, January 24
Gould, Maria, “ROR – Research Organization Registry”, OpenCon Cascadia, Portland, February 1-2
Chodacki, John, “Community Led Open Data Infrastructure: CDL & Dryad Partnership”, International Digital Curation Conference, Melbourne, February 6
Chodacki, John, “Introducing the Research Organization Registry (ROR)”, International Digital Curation Conference, Melbourne, February 6
Erdmann, Christopher, “The Carpentries: Teaching Data Science Skills to Researchers and People Working in Library- and Information-related Roles Worldwide”. ARDC Webinar, February 5
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Advancing Science Outside of the Lab”, Women in Data Science: Stanford University Panel, Stanford, March 4
Chodacki, John, Dasler, Robin, “Machine Actionable DMPs: Implementing the DMP Common Standards”, Research Data Alliance Spring Plenary, Philadelphia, April 2
Chodacki, John, Dasler, Robin, “Machine Actionable DMPs: Exposing DMP Working Group”, Research Data Alliance Spring Plenary, Philadelphia, April 2
Chodacki, John, “Support Your Data: Project Update for the Libraries for Research Data Interest Group”, Research Data Alliance Spring Plenary, Philadelphia, April 3
Gould, Maria, “Introducing the Research Organization Registry”, RDA 13, Philadelphia, April
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Community Update: Dryad & CDL”, Coalition for Networked Information Spring Plenary, St Louis, April 8
Gould, Maria, “Introducing the Research Organization Registry, Coalition for Networked Information Spring Plenary, St Louis, April 8
Erdmann, Christopher, Schneider, Julianne, Kane, David, “Library Carpentry – Teaching Data Science Skills and Upcoming Instructor Training”. LIBER Webinar, April 8, 2019
Lowenberg, “Dryad: Product Walkthrough”, Triangle Research Libraries Network Workshop, Durham, April 11
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Our Quest to Clean Up Institutional Affiliations in Dryad”, CSV,Conf v4, Portland, May 8
Gould, Maria, “Let’s ROR Together: Building an Open Registry of Research Organizations”, CSV,Conf v4, Portland, May 8
Gould, Maria, “Let’s ROR Together: Building an Open Registry of Research Organizations”, UCDLFx, San Diego, May 22
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Publishing at UC: Our Way Forward”, UCDLFx, San Diego, May 22
Chodacki, John, “Community-Led Data Publishing”, IMLS CDL-Dryad Workshop, Cambridge, June 19
Chodacki, John, “FAIR Basics”, Editorial Managers User Group (EMUG) Annual Meeting, Boston, June 21
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Advancing FAIR Data Publishing at Dryad”, Editorial Managers User Group (EMUG) Annual Meeting, Boston, June 21
Chodacki, John, “Forecasting the Costs for Preserving and Promoting Access to Biomedical Data”, National Academies: Forecasting Costs for Preserving, Archiving, and Promoting Access to Biomedical Data, Washington, DC, July 12
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Open Data Publishing at Dryad”, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, July 15
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Maintaining & Advancing Data Publishing at Dryad”, ESIP Summer Meeting, Tacoma, July 17
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Sensitive Data Sharing”, American Society of Clinical Oncology Private Meeting, Alexandria, August 21
Lowenberg, Daniella, “FAIR Metrics for FAIR Data”, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, September 11
Gould, Maria, “Research Organization Registry”, Crossref Live, Oakland,
September 19
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Crossref Live: Community Update”, Crossref Live, Oakland,
September 19
Chodacki, John, “Supporting Research Communications”, Community-Led Data Publishing Workshop, Santa Barbara, October 4
Gould, Maria, “Introducing the Research Organization Registry”, CENDI, Washington, October
Gould, Maria, “Working with ROR Data”, FORCE2019 – FORCE11 Annual Conference, Edinburgh, October 16
Chodacki, John, Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data usage, citation, sharing and metrics: Panel on FAIR Data Metrics”, FORCE2019 – FORCE11 Annual Conference, Edinburgh, October 16
Praetzellis, Maria, “Making Actionable Progress: An Update on Machine Actionable Data Management Plans” CODATA-Helsinki Workshop on FAIR RDM in Institutions, October 20
Praetzellis, Maria, “Findable Plans. Findable Actions: Identifiers and Metadata for DMPs as Plans and Records of Actions and Events”. RDA 14th Plenary, Helsinki, October 23
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Better Together: Dryad, CDL, & Zenodo”, CODATA & Research Data Alliance 14, Helsinki, October 21-24
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Usage Metrics WG Update”, Research Data Alliance 14, Helsinki, October 24
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Publishing & Dryad”, UCSF Biomedical Reproducibility Graduate Course, San Francisco, November 7
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Metrics: Thinking Beyond the Impact Factor”, Rich Context Private Meeting, Washington, November 16
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Advancing Earth & Space Science Data Publication & Re-Use at Dryad”, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 10
Chodacki, John, “Building and Sustaining Community Infrastructure: An Update from the Research Organization Registry (ROR)”, Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, December 9
Chodacki, John, Martone, Maryanne, Myers, Natalie, Pierce, Heather, Praetzellis, Maria, “Current state of PIDs, machine readable DMPs, and data credit efforts and best practices”, Implementing Effective Data Practices: a Conference on Collaborative Research Support, Washington, DC, December 11
- Abrams, Stephen, Karen Cariani, Vinay Cheruku, Euan Cochrane, Amy Kirchhoff, Michelle Lindlar, Sheila Morrissey, and Marcel Ras, “Active archive curation and preservation management at scale,” panel, 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Boston, September 24-27, 2018
- Abrams, Stephen, Michael Corey, Anuradha Paul, Evan Sandhaus, and Katherine Boss, “Digitization and preservation: The news archive,” panel, Public Record Under Threat: News and the Archive in the Age of Digital Distribution, Stanford, April 13, 2018
- Abrams, Stephen, “UC Data Network: A systemwide solution for free research data management,” UC-DLFx, Riverside, February 27-April 1, 2018
- Abrams, Stephen, Kathryn Stine, Jim Vanderveen, Peter Broadwell, Andrew Wallance, Janet Taylor, and Ann Whiteside, “Cobweb: Collaborative collection development for web archives,” UC-DLFx, Riverside, February 27-April 1, 2018
- Abrams, Stephen, “Preservation without possession: Content-addressable identifiers for post-custodial preservation,” PIDapalooza, Girona, Spain, January 24-25, 2018
Chodacki, John, Cruse, Patricia, Fenner, Martin, Lowenberg, Daniella, “Free, open data metrics for all”, PIDaplooza, Girona, January 23
Chodacki, John, Cruse, Patricia, Haak, Laurel, Pentz, Ed, “OrgID Update”, PIDaplooza, Girona, January 23
Chodacki, John, Erdmann, Chris, Hendricks, Ginny, Meadows, Alice, “Metadata 2020: Harnessing PID-power for the greater good”, PIDaplooza, Girona, January 24
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Publishing and Persistent Identifiers”, PIDapalooza, January 24
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Usage Metrics & Make Data Count”, Research Data Alliance Spring Plenary, Berlin, March 21
Lowenberg, Daniella, “How to Make Your Data Count”, Credit for Data Sharing: AAMC Meeting, Washington, April 9
Chodacki, John, “Participant Presentations”, UC IT Leadership Academy, Berkeley, April 3-5
Chodacki, John, Simms, Stephanie, “Local ORCID Stories”, ORCID Northern California Workshop, Berkeley, May 15
Chodacki, John, “Building a Sustainable Open Ecosystem for Scholarly Communication”, Society of Scholarly Publishers Conference, Chicago, May 28
Lowenberg, Daniella, “How to Make Your Data Count”, Make Data Count Webinar, June
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Let’s Make Data Count”, Open Repositories, Bozeman, June 6
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Dryad & CDL Partnership”, National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health Annual Meeting, Bethesda, June 13
Chodacki, John, “Flash talk: DMP Tool”, Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools, Berkeley, August 27
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Flash talk: Dryad & CDL”, Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools, Berkeley, August 27
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Community Owned Data Publishing: Dryad and CDL”, FORCE2018 – FORCE11 Annual Conference, Montreal, October 9
Chodacki, John, Lin, Jennifer, Strasser, Carly, “Supporting Research Communications: success stories in open source”, FORCE2018 – FORCE11 Annual Conference, Montreal, October 11
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Advancing Data Curation & Publishing”, ResearchObject, Amsterdam, October 29
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Data Citations: Experiences Exposing Barriers to Adoption”, International Data Week, Botswana, November 6
Chodacki, John, Lowenberg, Daniella, “Dryad & CDL Partnership”, International Data Week, Botswana, November 8
Chodacki, John, Waibel, Guenter, “Accelerating data publication: new models for research institutions”, UC Berkeley iSchool Symposium Series, Berkeley, November 16
Chodacki, John, “A database for curated bibliographic corpora”, Wikicite, Berkeley, November 28
Chodacki, John, Lowenberg, Daniella, “CDL’s Path Towards Data Publishing Adoption”, Coalition for Networked Information Winter Plenary, Washington, December 11
- DMP Roadmap: Making Data Management Plans Actionable. National ScienceFoundation EAGER Grant (Award No 1745675). Zenodo. Stephanie Simms, G ̈unter Waibel (PI), JohnChodacki, and Stephen Abrams
- Machine-actionable data management plans. Poster for Research Data Alliance 9thPlenary Meeting, Barcelona, Spain. Zenodo. by Stephanie Simms, Sarah Jones, Daniel Mietchen, and Tomasz Miksa.
- Machine-actionable data management plans (maDMPs): IDCC17 workshop materials.Zenodo Co-organized by Stephanie Simmsand Sarah Jones.
- Abrams, Stephen, “Supporting research data management at the University of California,” AXIES Conference, Hiroshima, December 13-15
- Abrams, Stephen, Kathryn Stine, and Andrew Wallace, “Cobweb: Collaborative collection development for web archives,” Dodging the Memory Hole, Internet Archive, November 15-16, 2017
- Abrams, Stephen, “Curation is not a place: Post-custodial stewardship for a do-it-yourself world,” DLF 2017 Forum, Pittsburgh, October 23-25, 2017
- Abrams, Stephen, “Securing the future of federal research: Mirroring as a vital scholarly resource,” NDSA Digital Preservation 2017, Pittsburgh, October 25-26, 2017
- Abrams, Stephen, “Making data count: Promoting open data through usage and impact tracking,” CNI Spring 2007 Meeting, Albuquerque, April 3-4
- Abrams, Stephen, and Andrea Goethals, “Cobweb: Community-based, collaborative collection development,” National Symposium on Web Archiving Interoperability, San Francisco, February 21-22, 2017
Chodacki, John, Jones, Sarah, Simms, Stephanie, “Next-Generation Data Management Plans: Global, Machine-Actionable, FAIR”, International Digital Curation Conference, Edinburgh, February 21
Chodacki, John, “Updates from the University of California Curation Center (UC3)”, California Data Librarians Meeting, Santa Barbara, March 13
Chodacki, John, “Data Mirror: Preserving Federal Datasets by Complementing Federal Data Workflows at”, Libraries+ Network Conference, Washington, DC, May 8
Chodacki, John, “Open source data management tools”, Society of Scholarly Publishers Conference, Boston, May 31
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Make Data Count”, Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Conference, Boston, June 2
Lowenberg, Daniella,“Dash: Data Publishing at University of California”, Research Data Alliance Fall Plenary, Montreal, September 19
Chodacki, John, Cruse, Patricia, “Organization Identifiers”, Research Data Alliance Fall Plenary, Montreal, September 20
Lowenberg, Daniella, “An Introduction to Make Data Count”, 4AM Altmetrics Conference, Toronto, September 26
Chodacki, John, Jones, Sarah, Mietchen, Daniel, Miksa, Tomasz, Simms, Stephanie, “Changing the Culture of Data Management Plans: making DMPs machine-actionable and FAIR, FORCE2017- FORCE11 Annual Conference, Berlin, October 23
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Standardizing Research Data Metrics”, ICSTI Annual Meeting at Library of Congress, Washington, October 27
Chodacki, John, “Metadata 2020 What Could Richer Metadata Enable”, Crossref LIVE, Singapore, November 14
Chodacki, John, Simms, Stephanie, “Data Management Plans 2.0: A Hub of Information to Facilitate Research”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, December 11
Chodacki, John, “Supporting Research Communications”, Community-Owned Data Publishing Workshop, Washington, DC, December 12
Lowenberg, Daniella, “Make Data Count”, NISO Webinar on Advancing Altmetrics: Best Practices and Emerging Ideas, December 13
Chodacki, John, “Participant Presentations”, UC IT Leadership Academy, Berkeley, December 13-15
- Making DMPs Actionable and Public. Presented at the CERN/RDA meeting onActive Data Management Plans, July 2016. Zenodo. Co-authored by Kevin Ashley, Sarah Jones,Daniel Mietchen, Stephanie Simms, and Angus Whyte.
- PIDs in DMPs: Spinning Tracks with Syntax. Presented at PIDapalooza, Reykjavik,Iceland. Zenodo.
- 2016 Making data management plans actionable and public. Poster for Research DataAlliance 8th Plenary Meeting, Denver, CO. Zenodo. Co-authored by Stephanie Simms, SarahJones, Kevin Ashley, and Daniel Mietchen
- Abrams, Stephen, “Making data count: Developing a data metrics pilot,” NSF Workshop on Data and Software Citation, Boston, June 6-7, 2016
- Simms, Stephanie, “Introduction to the DMPTool,” UCSB Data Management Training for Librarians, Santa Barbara, CA, April 14, 2016.
- Abrams, Stephen, Andrea Goethals, Martin Klein, and Rosalie Lack, “Cobweb: Collaborative collection development platform for web archiving,” International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly, Reykjavik, April 11-15, 2016
- Abrams, Stephen, Martin Klein, and Nicholas Taylor, “Opportunities in the wake of the CDL WAS transition,” International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly, Reykjavik, April 11-15, 2016
- Chodacki, J., and Cruse, P. “Moving research forward with persistent identifiers and services. Global Initiatives in Research Data Management & Discovery Session,” ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, March 13-14, 2016.
- Simms, Stephanie, Jones, Sarah. “The Future of DMPs: Tools, Policies and Players,” IDCC, Amsterdam, February 23-24, 2016.
- Strong, Marisa, DASH: Making Data Sharing Easier, IDCC, February 22-25, 2016
- Chodacki, J., and Cruse, P.“Data Metrics: Making Data Count project,” Data & Publications Linking Workshop, Washington, DC, January 5, 2016.
- Kratz, J. Report on “Making Data Count”. RDA Fifth Plenary Meeting. San Diego, CA,March 8-11, 2015
- Kratz, J. “Navigating the data management ecosystem,” Panel presentation at Shaking It Up: Challenges and Solutions in Scholarly Information, April 22, 2015.
- Goethals, Andrea, and Stephen Abrams, “Exploring a national collaborative model for web archiving,” Web Archiving Collaboration: New Tools and Models, Columbia University, June 4-5, 2015
- Abrams, Stephen, “The Dash research data portal and ONEShare repository,” DataONE Users Group Meeting, Pacific Grove, July 12-13, 2015
- Jones, M., Kratz, J., and Budden, A. “Making data count,” DataONE Users Group Meeting. Asilomar, California, July 12-13, 2015.
- Simms, Stephanie, “Open Access, Open Data, Open Education Resources,”DataOne Users Group Open Access Roundtable, July 13, 2015.
- Simms, Stephanie, Traini ng up and Reaching out: Library Strategies to Coordinate Research Data Management on Campus, DLF, October 27, 2015
- Collins, Perry, Trevor Munoz, Lauren Klein, and Stephen Abrams, “The best-laid schemes: Reflections on three years of the NEH ODH data management plan requirement,” panel, DLF Forum, Atlanta, October 27-29. 2014
- Wheatley, Paul, Stephen Abrams. David Clipsham, Janet Delve, Ed Fay, Cal Lee, and Andrea Goethals, “Getting to digital preservation tools that ‘just work’,” panel, iPRES 2014, 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Melbourne, October 6-10, 2014
- Abrams, Stephen, “Creating superior data management plans with the DMPTool,” ESA Annual Meeting, Sacramento, August 10-15, 2014
- Abrams, Stephen, “Data preservation 101,” ESA Annual Meeting, Sacramento, August 10-15, 2014
- Abrams, Stephen, Martin Klein, Jimmy Lin, and Michael Nelson, “Future of web archiving,” panel, NDIIPP/NDSA Digital Preservation 2014, Washington, July 22-23
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, Carly Strasser, Perry Willett, Geoffrey Boushey, Julia Kochi, Megan Laurance, and Angela Rizk-Jackson, “DataShare: Empowering researcher data curation,” 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, February 24-27
- Strasser, Carly, Stephen Abrams, and Patricia Cruse, “DMPTool 2.0: Expanding functionality for better data management planning,” 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, February 24-27
- Abrams, Stephen, and Andrew Sallans, “Enhancing DMPTool: Further streamlining data management planning process,” CNI 2013 Fall Membership Meeting, Washington, December 9-10, 2013
- Abrams, Stephen, “How does the changing digital landscape affect preservation services for publishers and libraries,” Ithaka Sustainable Scholarship 2013, New York, October 21-22
- Abrams, Stephen, Angela Rizk-Jackson, Julie Kochi, and Noah Wittman, “Integrating repositories for research data sharing,” NDSA Digital Preservation 2013, Alexandria, July 23-25
- Abrams, Stephen, “Libraries and research data curation: Barriers and incentives for preservation, sharing, and reuse,” Future of Scientific Publishing: Open Access to Manuscripts and Big Data, Stanford University, June 27, 2013
- Abrams, Stephen, “Design principles for digital preservation systems,” PASIG 2013, Washington, May 21-24, 2013
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze, Rosalie Lack, and Carly Strasser, “Supporting UC research data management,” UC Research Development Network Meeting, UC Irvine, February 25-26, 2013
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Extending digital research: Community and collaboration at the California Digital Library and UC Curation Center,” Information Technology Connecting Culture, Community, Time, and Place: 2012 PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, UC Berkeley, December 7-9, 2012
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Cost modeling for sustainable curation services,” PASIG, Dublin, October 16-19, 2012
- Abrams, Stephen, “Unified Digital Format Registry (UDFR): A community resource for effective preservationi,” Beyond Borders: 76th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, San Diego, August 6-11, 2012
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Augmenting repositories to showcase research data,” OR 2012, The 7th International Conference on Open Repositories, Edinburgh, July 9-13, 2012
- Starr, Joan. “Libraries and data management,” American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim CA, June 24, 2012.
- Starr, Joan. “Second thoughts about metadata standards for data,” American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim CA, June 23, 2012.
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Total cost of preservation: Cost modeling for sustainable services,” Screening the Future: Pause, Play, and Press Forward, UCLA, May 21-23, 2012
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Total cost of preservation: Cost modeling for sustainable services,” CNI Spring 2012 Membership Meeting, Baltimore, April 1-3, 2011
- Kunze, John. “New Metaphors: Data Papers and Data Citations,” National Federation of Advanced Information Services, Philadelphia, February 27-28, 2012.
- Strasser, Carly, John Kunze, Patricia Cruse. “Archiving small science data sets,” Personal Digital Archiving, San Francisco, February 23-24, 2012.
- Strasser, Carly. “Data management for scientists,” Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City UT, February 20-24, 2012.
- Starr, Joan. “Dataset Metadata, Tools and Approaches for Access and Preservation,” American Library Association, Intellectual Access to Preservation Metadata Interest Group, Dallas TX, January 21, 2012.
- Abrams, Stephem, Lisa Colvin, Abhishek Salve. “Unified Digital Format Registry (UDFR): Overview and Next Steps to an Operational Registry,” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), Austin TX, January 13, 2012.
- Cruse, Patricia. “Tools and Services for Managing Research,” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), Austin TX, January 12, 2012.
- Abrams, Stephen, Lisa Colvin, and Abhishek Salve. “UDFR: A Semantic Registry for Format Representation Information,” Digital Library Federation Fall Forum, Baltimore, October 31, 2011.
- Willett, Perry. “DMPTool for Data Management Plans,” Digital Library Federation Fall Forum, Baltimore, Nov 1, 2011.
- Starr, Joan. “Dataset Identification and Citation: DataCite and EZID,” NISO Webinar: Managing Data for Scholarly Communications, October 19, 2011.
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze, David Minor, Mike Smorul. “‘Neighborhood Watch’ for Repository Quality,” Designing Storage Architectures for Preservation Collections, Library of Congress, Washington DC, September 26-27, 2011.
- Abrams, Stephen and Sheila Morrissey. “JHOVE2 from project to community—or, is there life after NDIIPP?” NDIIPP/NDSA Meeting, Washington, July 19-21, 2011.
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze, and Perry Willett, “A micro-services-based approach for curation and preservation solutions,” Oracle PASIG User Group Meeting, Redwood Shores CA, May 10-12, 2011.
- Grappone, Todd, and Patricia Cruse. “Data Management Plans Online,” Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring 2011 Meeting, San Diego, April 4-5, 2011.
- Kunze, John, Catherine Mitchell, Stephen Abrams, Patricia Cruse, and Lisa Schiff, “A publishing pilot for ‘data papers’,” CNI Spring 2011 Membership Meeting, San Diego, April 4-5, 2011
- Kunze, John, Patricia Cruse, and Stephen Abrams, “Data curation at the California Digital Library,” NEES workshop, Chicago, February 7, 2011.
- Kunze, John, Patricia Cruse and Rachael Hu. “Baby steps to data publication,” Beyond the PDF Workshop, San Diego, January 19, 2011.
- Abrams, Stephen, et al. “JHOVE2 next-generation characterization: A project update,” DLF Fall Forum, Palo Alto, November 1-3, 2010
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Hswe, Delphine Khanna, and Katherine Kott, “Curation micro-services: ‘It’s a series of tubes’,” DLF Fall Forum, Palo Alto, November 1-3, 2010
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze, and Joan Starr, “EZID and DataCite: Easy identifiers for long-term datasets,” DLF Fall Forum, Palo Alto, November 1-3, 2010
- Abrams, Stephen, “Curation micro-services: ‘It’s a series of tubes’,” CURATEcamp, Berkeley, August 16-17, 2010
- Abrams, Stephen, et al. “Next-Generation Characterization: an Update on the JHOVE2 Project,” NDIIPP Partners Meeting, Arlington VA, July 20-22, 2010.
- Payette, Sandy, Francoise Genova, Norbert Lossau, Adam Farquhar, and Stephen Abrams “Integrating repositories with research infrastructure,” OR 2010, The 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, July 6-9, 2010
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze. “Standards and best practices for datasets and other supplemental journal article materials: DataCite @ UC3,” CNI Spring 2010 Membership Meeting, Baltimore, April 12-13, 2010.
- Kunze, John, Bob Cook, Patricia Cruse, Carol Tenopir, Todd Vision, William Michener, “Defining the Data Citation Problem in the DataNet Context,” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18, 2009.
- Cruse, Patricia and William Michener, “DataONE: Enabling Data-intensive Environmental Research through Cyberinfrastructure,” 5th International Digital Curation Conference, London, December 2-4, 2009.
- Kunze, John, Patricia Cruse, Stephen Abrams, “An Emergent Approach to Data Curation,” 5th International Digital Curation Conference, London, December 2-4, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, “Preserving Digital Culture: Tools & Strategies for Building Web Archives,” Internet Librarian 2009, Monterey CA, October 26-28, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, “What Changes with Digital Content? Web Archiving.” Association of Research Libraries Fall Forum, Washington DC, October 14-15, 2009.
- Kunze, John, and Stephen Abrams, “Permanent Objects, Evolving Services, and Disposable Systems: An Emergent Approach to Digital Curation Infrastructure,” Preservation & Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), San Francisco CA, October 7-8, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy. “Web Archiving Service,” Poster session, iPRES 2009, San Francisco CA, October 5-6, 2009.
- Abrams,Stephen, Richard Anderson, Hannah Frost, and Sheila Morrissey, “‘What? So what?’: JHOVE2 Next-Generation Characterization,” JHOVE2 Workshop, San Francisco CA, October 7, 2009.
- Abrams, Stephen, John Kunze, David Loy, “An Emergent Micro-Services Approach to Digital Curation Infrastructure,” iPRES 2009, San Francisco CA, October 5-6, 2009.
- Cruse, Patricia, “Conversations about Digital Preservation.” Podcast conversation with Mike Ashenfelder, Library of Congress, September 25, 2009.
- Abrams, Stephen, “Protecting and Enhancing the Scholarly Record: CDL Preservation and Curation Services,” Media Vault Program (MVP) Service Provider Workshop, University of California, Berkeley CA, September 3, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, presentation, Public Policy Information on the Internet Forum, Library of Congress, Washington DC, August 4-5, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, Demonstration of Web Archiving System, University of California Collection Development Committee, July 2009.
- Abrams, Stephen, and Perry Willett, “‘Give us the tools and we will finish the job’: Empowering Digital Preservation through a Micro-services Approach,” National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) Partners Meeting, Washington DC, June 24-26, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, “Web Archiving Service Public Access,” NDIIPP Partners Meeting, Washington DC, June 24-26, 2009.
- Cruse, Patricia, William Michener, John Cobb, “DataONE: A Virtual DataNet Center for Biology, Ecology, and the Environmental Sciences,” TeraGrid 2009, June 22-25, 2009, Arlington VA.
- Abrams, Stephen, and Perry Willett, “Permanent Objects, Disposable Systems: A New and Nimble Approach to Digital Preservation,” UCCSC 2009: Focus on Security, Davis CA, June 16-17, 2009.
- Willett, Perry, and Stephen Abrams, The other security: A new and nimble approach to digital preservation, UCCSC 2009: Focus on Security, University of California, Davis, June 17-18, 2009
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Persistent Objects, Disposable Systems,” Open Repositories 2009, Atlanta GA, May 18-21, 2009.
- Kunze, John, Patricia Cruse, Stephen Abrams, “Envisioning a New Distributed Organization and Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Science,” Open Repositories 2009, Atlanta GA, May 18-21, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, “Web Archiving What, Why and How?” International Internet Preservation Consortium, Ottawa, Canada, May 4-7, 2009.
- Cruse, Patricia, “DataONE (Observation Network for Earth): Envisioning a New Distributed Organization and Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Science, CNI Spring 2009 Task Force Meeting, Minneapolis MN, April 6-7, 2009.
- Dreyer, Malte Heike Neuroth, Sarah Carrier, Jane Greenberg, Stephen Abrams, John Kunze, Patricia Cruse, Michael Day, Colin Neilson, Alexander Ball, and Rosemary Russell, “Curation of scientific datasets: Trends, current initiative, and solutions,” DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation Practice, Promise, and Prospects, Chapel Hill, April 1-3
- Kunze, John, Stephen Abrams, and Patricia Cruse, “A Micro-services Approach to Data Curation,” DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation Practice, Promise, and Prospects, Chapel Hill NC, April 1-3, 2009.
- Seneca, Tracy, “Archiving California Information,” American Library Association, Government Documents Roundtable, State and Local Documents Task Force; and Web Archiving Panel, Association for Library Collections and Technical Services; American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Denver CO, January 23-28, 2009.
2008 and earlier
- Abrams, Stephen, Patricia Cruse, and John Kunze, “Preservation is Not a Place,” 4th International Digital Curation Conference, Edinburgh, December 1-3, 2008.
- Kunze, John, and Stephen Abrams, “The BagIt File Package Format,” 4th International Digital Curation Conference, Edinburgh, December 1-3, 2008.
- Kunze, John, and Stephen Abrams, “Pairtrees for Object Storage,” 4th International Digital Curation Conference, Edinburgh, December 1-3, 2008.
- Abrams, Stpehen, Tom Cramer, Keith Johnson, Sheila Morrissey, and Evan Ownens, “JHOVE2: A next-generation architecture for format-aware characterization,” British Library, October 1, 2008
- Abrams, Stephen, Evan Owens, and Tom Cramer, “‘What? So what?’: The Next-Generation JHOVE2 Architecture for Format-Aware Characterization,” iPRES 2008: The Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, London, September 29-30, 2008.
- Seneca, Tracy, Web Archiving Service poster and demonstration, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) Partners Meeting, Arlington VA, July 8-10, 2008.
- Seneca, Tracy, “Whither the Web: How Libraries can Preserve Our Digital Cultural Heritage,” American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim CA, June 26-July 2, 2008.
- Abrams, Stephen, and John Kunze, “Preservation is Not a Location,” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), San Francisco CA, May 27-29, 2008.
- Abrams, Stephen, “Preservation Characterization,” Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), San Francisco CA, May 27-29, 2008.
- Kunze, John, “The Entity (N2T) Resolver: Low-risk, Low-cost Persistent Identification,” iPRES 2006: The Third International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects, Ithaca NY, October 8-10, 2006.