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Going Beyond Pie Charts: More Ways to Use Visuals

“Love pie. Hate pie-charts” is a playful quote from a talented data designer featured below. It captures the we-can-do-better attitude of the individuals and organizations leading the charge for clear and effective visuals to get your point across. After an […]

EZID Service Update: July 2015

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID clients engaged in a lively discussion on EZID’s listserv about DOI assignment to datasets that change over time. If you have been reading about data citation over the last few years, you may […]

ProQuest Updates Platform Interface, August 20th

ProQuest will be rolling out changes to the interface of the main ProQuest platform on August 20, 2015.   The ProQuest Congressional interface implemented a similar look and feel on August 5th. The changes are predominantly CSS and display-based (font, color, […]

EZID Service Update: May 2016

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Many EZID clients were interested in a DataCite-sponsored webinar on Zotero for Data Repositories. Sebastian Karcher (Associate Director of Associate Director the Qualitative Data Repository at Syracuse University) was the presenter, and he shared […]

Shared Print Events – January/February 2023

NISO Webinar: Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) – recording Networks of libraries have a long tradition of working together to expand their resources and provide more comprehensive coverage across all subjects through sharing of resources. As one of these strategies, […]

Statistics Summary Reports Available

The latest statistical profile of the CDL is now available from the “About the CDL” publications web page [] and the Evaluation Activities page [], entitled [] The California Digital Library: Key Indicators of Collections and Use (July 1, […]

Melvyl® Union Catalog Vendor Chosen

The California Digital Library is pleased to announce that a contract has been signed with Ex Libris [] for its ALEPH 500 system to serve as the underlying technology for the University of California’s Melvyl® Union Catalog.  Ex Libris has […]

New Resources

a. Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data in Science and Technology (Diane Fortner, UCB) CDL has added electronic access to Landolt-Bornstein, through Springer’s LINK book-series offering. Landolt-Bornstein (Germany) L-B is a unique high-quality physics, chemistry and technology data collection that brings a […]