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HathiTrust Update


Through the diligent efforts of a CDL and University of Michigan team, UC's Google-digitized books are now flowing into the HathiTrust repository, and ingest is progressing well.  At the time of this writing, the number of volumes available via the HathiTrust beta catalog is 136,125, and this number grows weekly.

EZID Service Update: November/December 2012

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities At DataCite’s General Assembly meeting this year in Cologne, EZID was honored with the 2012 Gold Award for assigning more than 250,000 DOIs (digital object identifiers) in one year. This reflects EZID’s growth in […]

eScholarship Quarterly Reports – A Fascinating Snapshot

By Justin Gonder, eScholarship Operations Coordinator Each quarter, the CDL sends a report to each campus Scholarly Communication Officer (SCO) with information about that campus’s use of eScholarship as well as total usage systemwide.  Instead of sending the reports out […]

UC Faculty Publish in eScholarship

Interested in the research and open access publishing at your campus?  At other UC campuses?  CDL sends campuses a quarterly report with each campus’s eScholarship publishing statistics (and more).  For a summary of UC’s most popular campus eScholarship publications this […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Find It Here

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley: “Psychology and Economics” by Rabin, Matthew, Department of […]

EZID Service Update — September & October 2012

    September & October Activities We conducted an identifier clean-up exercise and were able to reduce substantially the incidence of broken and bad links. To all who assisted, we are thankful for your participation in the effort to insure […]

Latest eScholarship Publishing Report

By Justin Gonder, eScholarship Operations Coordinator UC Researchers are publishing open access articles on a fascinating array of topics—from minimum wage to green marketing to nursing practice.  This quarter’s top ten most popular eScholarship articles include the following: UC Berkeley: […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Campus Top 10 Publications

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley: “Self-experimentation as a source of new ideas: Ten […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Campus Quarterly Reports

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley: “Library Terms That Users Understand” by Kupersmith, John, […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Campus 4th Quarter 2014 Reports

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley: “Marxist Theories of Development, the New International Division […]