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DMPTool Service Update: March 2017

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Templates.Β We’re updating some existing templates (e.g., the NEH released a 2017 PDF)Β  ( and auditing the complete inventory ahead of the migration to the new version of the tool. In the next version, funder/public […]

CDL Collection Framework Documents

DRAFT University of California [] 1. Selection and licensing of resources should be carried out observing the same considerations applied in the effective development of other library collections. 2. Principally, these considerations include: – establishing a coherent rationale for the […]

CDL Directory Release Phase II — Comments requested by DECEMBER 10, 1999

[…] the same time, including the Melvyl Catalog, CDL-hosted Databases, campus-licensed databases, electronic journals (e.g., Elsevier, JSTOR), the CDL Directory, the Online Archive of California, reference tools (e.g., Encyclopedia Britannnica), and Infomine.Β  It was based on the successful Database Advisor developed […]

July Release: Tests and Mockup Available

[…] will be added. CDL-hosted Databases – links to holdings for books and other monographs in BIOSIS, INSPEC, and PsycINFO; links to Digital Dissertations from the Melvyl Catalog and PsycINFO; and the Online and Print Access displays will be standardized across databases.

Bibliographer Group Surveys Available

Responses from the May 2000 Subject Selector Surveys for Digital Collection Development are now available on the libstaff web site [].Β  The surveys are conducted by the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSCSC) as part of its role […]

California Counts Prototype Update

Background California Counts, CDL’s planned gateway to social science data, is Phase I of CDL’s government information initiative.Β  California Counts will provide a single, easy-to-use, WWW interface through which users can easily find, combine, display, and use data.Β  The California […]

New Interface Customization Tools for the CDL METS Repository

[…] own branding and customized interfaces. Three IMLS and LSTA-funded digitization projects have already successfully used these tools: Museums and the Online Archive of California (MOAC): UC Berkeley Bancroft Library California Heritage: Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives (JARDA): […]

The CDL Digital Object Framework: A Core Digital Library Building Block

[…] These services include the Preservation Repository, Interface Customization Tools, Image Service, persistent public access to objects via, eScholarship, the Online Archive of California (OAC) and other gateways, and learning, viewing, and curatorial tools. Address the use of the Metadata […]

Metasearch Infrastructure Project Update

Work on the Metasearch Infrastructure project (The metasearch infrastructure project is no longer active.Β  See:Β  The Ex Libris MetaLib software has been installed at the CDL, and CDL staff completed software training in mid-September.Β  Staff are currently experimenting with […]

Metasearch Infrastructure Project: Current Status

The Metasearch Infrastructure Project seeks to develop a robust set of tools for crafting tailored search interfaces to diverse information resources for specific audiences and/or purposes.Β  For additional background information, see the project web site at []. Significant progress has […]