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Showing 181 - 190 of 200 results for "ТОП эксперт Human Design Виктория Джем --- ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА"

Welcome Jing to UC3

[…] technical lead for its accompanying identifier services EZID and ROR. Jing brings with her a wealth of experience in system design, software development, and applications operations which she has gained since her arrival at CDL in 2015.  Then, as a […]

Deposit, save, share, find that content and data: new UC3 services launch

[…] Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), to develop the next generation of this software, called JHOVE2.  JHOVE2 improves the design of the existing architecture of JHOVE, adds key enhancements, and includes new modules that support preservation-related processes. JHOVE2 is […]

CDL ERMS Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

[…] that has a permission value of "blank", and/or seemingly unrelated text in the note. What do I do? Due to design of the underlying ERMS system, some fields are being used to store information that didn't have an assigned field. […]

New Databases

The addition of these databases to CDL’s Directory is the result of successful collaboration and co-investment among the campuses and CDL. a. HarpWeek HarpWeek is an indexed, image database containing cover-to-cover issues of Harper’s Weekly from its beginning in 1857 […]

New Licensed Databases (available for use and now represented in the CDL Directory of Collections at [])

Readers are reminded that the CDL’s “Collections Update” document (available at []) is updated regularly with information about resources being negotiated and expected times for availability.  Campus Collection Development Officers also have current status information. a. ABC/CLIO’s America: History and […]

Resource Liaisons (update)

Resource Liaisons met Monday, July 26 in Oakland to discuss their charge.  Liaisons will 1) monitor technical and content performance; 2) identify enhancements that producers might make; 3) coordinate input on their respective databases from colleagues; 4) review online and […]

Daniel Greenstein to become CDL University Librarian

We are extremely pleased to announce that Daniel Greenstein has accepted the position of University Librarian and Executive Director of the California Digital Library.  He is expected to assume his new position in May 2002, and all are encouraged to […]

New Resources Available

a. 10 Proquest Databases The databases included in this package from ProQuest have long been high priorities for UC campus subject selectors. EEBO, in particular, was repeatedly requested by English literature, Women’s Studies, and Performing Arts librarians. The Joint Steering […]

Ejournal Packages Migrate to New Platforms

With 2003, three major e-journal packages have migrated to different online platforms.  Technical staff in Oakland and the shared catalogers have been busy updating all links so users will be taken directly to the new sites. Academic Press The integration […]

New Resources Available

NOTE: New resources listed below may not yet be in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks.  You can access them directly from the URL provided. A list of recently added […]