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Showing 1 - 10 of 200 results for "%20%"

Announcing the Clinics of North America on Elsevier’s ScienceDirect

In December 2014, Elsevier discontinued the MD Consult (MDC) platform.  MDC provided access to medical textbooks and some Elsevier journals, among them many Clinics of North America titles.  As an alternative, Elsevier released a product called ClinicalKey, a new platform […]

Springer Electronic Book Package


The UC campuses have recently obtained perpetual access to nearly every Springer ebook published in English and German from 2005 to 2009, including Landolt-Bornstein, the largest compilation of data in physics and chemistry.

Dekker Encyclopedias: Available for Trial February 17-March 31, 2004

By Julia Gelfand (UC Irvine), Resource Liaison From February 17 through March 31, the UC libraries will trial the 12 encyclopedias currently published by Marcel Dekker for a potential Tier 2 acquisition on a title-by-title basis: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food […]

Additional EBSCO Databases


Due to the recent licensing of EBSCO's Academic Search Complete, the UC libraries have received free access to several additional EBSCO databases. The new titles (in addition to Academic Search Complete) are available now, and can be accessed from the EBSCO dropdown menu.

Mobile Usability Testing Rig for m.cdlib

By Jane Lee, CDL Senior Assessment Analyst In the summer of 2010, CDL’s User Experience Design team began investigating the possibility of creating a mobile version of CDL’s newly redesigned website. As part of its design process for creating an […]