Our Services
The User Experience Design team offers a range of assessment, design, usability and web production services at any stage of product development.
We listen
We gather feedback from end users and consult with internal stakeholders to ensure that CDL services meet users’ needs and organizational goals. We also assess and define front end user interface requirements early on to mitigate impact on the design and development process.
- Comparative analysis
- Content inventories and audits
- Define project goals
- Front-end technical feasibility research
- Gather functional specifications
- Interviews, focus groups, and online surveys
- Use case scenarios
- User personas
- Web analytics and metrics analysis
We design
Based on the user needs uncovered during the assessment phase, we develop functional specifications and requirements, user interface designs, information architectures and page layout specifications that provide the blueprints for new products and services. During this design stage, we conduct usability testing to ensure that the target audience can efficiently and successfully complete the tasks they set out to do.
- Functional specifications and requirements
- Participatory design exercises and user observation
- Conceptual design to contribute to brand identity
- Content modeling
- Atomic design and component libraries
- Interaction design
- Partner with visual designers
- Information architecture
- Paper-based and online prototypes
- Writing for the web
We create
During the creation phase, all the pieces come together and the site is actually built. In order to make sure that nothing is lost in translation from the design to the actual site, we conduct additional testing to verify that the service is usable and accessible to all potential users.
- Application user interface development
- Audio and video production
- Content planning and production
- Cross platform and browser compatibility
- Responsive user interface creation
- Standards driven website development
- Web accessibility and ADA compliance
We improve
We understand that products are only successful and sustainable if they are actively maintained, assessed, and improved upon. In order to ensure the continuing viability of the services we help build, we refine, test, adapt long past launch date of a project.
- Accessibility testing and assessment
- Content governance
- Ongoing content review and assessment
- Remote and in-person usability testing
- Site maintenance and support
- Training documentation
- Web analytics measurement planning and assessment