Shared Print Models, Policy, and Process
Organizational Model
The UC Libraries’ Shared Print Program is administered by the California Digital Library’s Shared Print Manager under the Shared Collections Program.
Planning and decision-making for Shared Print collections is collaborative and integrated in the UC Libraries Advisory Structure through two teams:
The teams are ongoing groups, with a portfolio of collections, policies, projects, agreements, tools and toolkits. The Shared Print Strategy Team reports to the Collection Building & Management Strategic Action Group (SAG3) in the advisory structure. The Shared Print Operations Team reports to the Strategy Team. The teams also consult with collections officers, bibliographers and other staff at all campuses, as needed. In addition, the Shared Print Manager serves on the Shared Library Facilities Board which governs the University of California Libraries’ Regional Library Facilities.
Shared Collections Models
The UC Libraries Shared Print Program develops models for collaboration around retrospective and prospective collections as well as broad programmatic collecting agreements. The following outlines the scope of collections and collaborations.
Scope of Collections
The UC Libraries Shared Print Program supports the following models for collaboration around physical resources:
- Prospective and retrospective print serials
- Prospective and retrospective monograph collections
- Prospective and retrospective analog materials such as microform and audio-visual materials
- Ongoing cooperative collection development agreements that support the development of a collective collection
Scope of Collaboration
The UC Shared Print Program is charged to foster and cultivate collaboration within the consortium, state, and region and with other consortia. Forms of collaboration include:
- Collaboration among UC Libraries (consortium)
- Collaboration within the State of California and Western Region of the United States (state and regional)
- Collaboration among networks of libraries and consortia (network-level), such as the HathiTrust Distributed Print Monographs Archive and other regional shared print programs
Policies & Processes
Shared Print activities are informed and guided by policies and principles that are developed by all-campus groups and endorsed by the University Librarians:
- Persistent Deposits in UC Regional Library Facilities UC Systemwide Library Planning (Revised February 20, 2006)
- Shared Print in Place Policies (provisionally adopted, under review)
- Guidelines for Replacement of Persistent Deposits in RLFs and Shared Print in Place Monographs (November, 2011)
- WEST Disclosure Policy (Revised August, 2024)
- UC Libraries Standards for Volume-Level Validation of Journals (June 09, 2015)
- UC Libraries Shared Print Disclosure Standard for Journals (July 06, 2015) and Disclosure of the UC JSTOR Archive (February 18, 2016)
- SILS Harmonization Decision: Retention Reason for Shared Print (March 20, 2023)
- UC Campus Transfers of WEST Bronze Archives: Operational Guidelines and Expectations (December 2018)
- RLFs as contributors to Journal Archiving Campaign Services (JACS) (Spring 2019)
- OCLC Shared Print Registration support
Toolkits for Shared Print Agreements
Toolkits for Shared Print agreements facilitate the proposal submission process, formalize agreements, and establish a common set of practices and expectations for each collection development model.