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3 Ways to be More Effective in Giving and Receiving Feedback

Unless you’re an art student or critic, giving and receiving feedback probably isn’t a formal part of your daily routine.  The interaction can be stressful and contentious, regardless of whether you are the giver or receiver.  Is it any wonder […]

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

Are you a perfectionist? Not that there’s anything wrong with that! We all agree it’s important to take pride in our work, set goals, and try to achieve them. Lena and I are perfectionists — it’s why we are so […]

Envisioning Successful Outcomes

How often have you been handed an assignment and plunged into it, then realized that you have an incomplete idea of what the end product is supposed to be? Have you struggled to finish something only to find yourself in an endless “re-do” loop? […]

Use the Power of Visuals to Get Your Point Across

Some people are brilliant at melding words and visuals. Most of us struggle to create engaging presentations, documents and web pages. We’ve all been told it’s crucial to appeal to visual as well as verbal thinkers, but knowing how to […]

Update on the DataCite Metadata Working Group

It’s about time for a check-in on my experiences with the DataCite Metadata Working Group. I introduced this intrepid band a couple of months ago when we met face-to-face in Hannover, Germany. Since then, of course, we’ve dispersed to our […]

Privacy matters

The [] conference held July 28 & 29 touched on privacy issues repeatedly, as might be expected for a conference dealing with topics such as geolocation and “augmented reality.” Lisa Carlucci Thomas in her keynote on “Risk, Reality, & the […]

Listening: a competitive advantage

I was on a conference call recently when a question came up as to how a service offered by a consortium of libraries and research institutions might compete with a similar one offered by the private sector. We had a […]

Beyond Coffee: 9 Ways to Survive Monday Morning

You like your job but even so, Monday morning can arrive as a bit of a shock to the system. You sprint into the weekend, have a fun if exhausting time, and try not to think about the work-week ahead. You […]

How to Develop Your Career without Breaking the Bank

Building your career means continually learning new skills and enhancing the ones you already have. It’s an investment of your time and energy. In tough economic times you may not get the financial support you need from your company for […]

How To Deliver Good and Bad News To Your Manager

Does your heart race thinking about delivering important news to your manager? Sometimes we strike the right balance of tone, timing, preparation, and approach and we get rewarded with a positive outcome. And then we’ve all had a few experiences […]