Rebecca Culbertson Staff Profile
Contact Information
Program / Service
Collection Development & Management, Shared Cataloging Program
Job Title
Integrating Resources Librarian
Becky is responsible for cataloging and maintaining CDL licensed and bibliographer- requested open access journals. The fact that these are serials results in a significant amount of maintenance both in OCLC master records and subsequent distribution of records as titles change or cease, publishers change, URLs change, and titles merge or split. She also catalogs/maintains CDL licensed databases and a few monographic packages.
B.A., Sociology, Kalamazoo College
A.M.L.S., University of Michigan
Professional Interests
Primary cataloging interest is in the development and promotion of cataloging standards. Becky has been active professionally at the national level particularly with the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) as chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards. During her time as chair, she was instrumental in helping to develop the Provider-Neutral Cataloging Guidelines and moving the bibliographic cataloging standards for monographs (BSR) and serials (CSR) from the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) to the current standard (Resource Description and Access (RDA). Currently she is a member of the NISO PIE-J Standing Committee on Recommended Practices for the Presentation of E-Journals and is a member of the HathiTrust User Bibliographic Corrections Subgroup. She is a member of the American Library Association and the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG).