Eric Satzman Staff Profile

Program / Service
Web Production
Job Title
Web Production Manager
Eric manages a team of web developers in supporting CDL’s web services. He coordinates implementation efforts between content providers, programmers, visual artists, and other contributors. Eric is the principle front-end developer, building the UI architecture for many of CDL’s projects and services. Projects include the California Digital Library website, Calisphere, the University of California Libraries, DASH, DMPTool, eScholarship, IntraCDL, and others.
B.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
Before joining CDL in 2003, Eric was a co-founder of the internet startup MetaExchange, an online commodities exchange, and founder of Satzman Consulting, a web consultancy.
Professional Interests
Professional front-end web development, mobile web development, multi-media, web standards and web accessibility.