In September 2003, the CDL launched two new web sites: the CDL “brochure” site, intended to provide general information about the CDL to a broad public audience, and “Inside CDL,” intended to provide UC library staff and other CDL partners […]
For more than a year, UC staff have had a chance to work with the Melvyl Catalog, teach users about it in classes and across public service desks, and use it in technical services and for other purposes. During this […]
SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of January 2019. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. For serials, our major distributions were Open Access journals […]
CDL’s John Kunze and Greg Janée contributed significantly to this new standard — a harmonized compact identifier system. Congratulations! —————————————————————– First big output of FORCE11 Data Citation Implementation Group – the harmonized compact identifier system. Paper published in Scientific Data […]
SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of July [xlsx]. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are the highlights of our major record distributions. […]
SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of May [Xlsx]. This monthly report shows titles being added and/or removed from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are highlights of our major record distributions. Note: Green […]
John Kunze, Identifier Systems Architect, and Greg Janée, EZID Technical Lead, along with a number of collaborators, published a preprint entitled “Uniform Resolution of Compact Identifiers for Biomedical Data” in bioRxiv, the preprint server for biology. It is available at […]