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The transition of Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) and Periodicals Index Online (PIO) from the Chadwyck-Healey to the ProQuest Platform will be complete when access to Chadwyck-Healey’s version of the databases ends on June 30, 2013. Both versions of the databases […]
In its September 13, 2009 install, OCLC made improvements to the display of electronic resources in the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot. The changes were made to help users better distinguish between links to online materials for which they have access as opposed to links from other libraries to which they may not have access.
A new Tier 2 has formed to subscribe to Fire Insurance Maps online (FIMo), specifically subscribing to California map content. Participating campuses in the Tier 2 include UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, and UCSC (UCLA has already purchased […]
The Online Archive of California (OAC) Web site has been redesigned. On July 15, 2002, its new interface will be released to the public. During the next month, the UC community will have the opportunity to explore the new web […]
The Online Archive of California (OAC) has enhanced “Especially forArchivists,” an information resource available at [] This site provides information and “building blocks” for OAC Contributing Members to assist with creating EAD encoded finding aids and digital content for publication […]