Dana Jemison Staff Profile

Program / Service
Discovery & Delivery
Job Title
Senior Metadata Analyst
Dana is the Discovery and Delivery team’s in-house expert on metadata issues. She analyzes digital project use cases and requirements, and develops strategies for metadata capture, normalization, transformation, storage and output. She works primarily with the Zephir Metadata Management System, Melvyl operations, UC Shared Print, and the Western Regional Storage Trust teams.
- M.L.I.S. University of Texas, Austin
- B.S. Botany, California State University, Long Beach
Before joining CDL, Dana worked at the University of California Berkeley, where she split her duties between Metadata Evaluation Group Lead, and Digital Collections and Licensing Librarian. Prior to UC Berkeley, she worked as the Senior Data-Loads Analyst at Research Libraries Group until it merged with OCLC in 2006.
Professional Interests
- Data visualization & design
- Metadata design & implementation
- Metadata exchange & translation processes
- Machine learning
Committees / Affiliations
- UC Cataloging Metadata Common Knowledge Group
- ALCTS CRS Standards Committee
- ALCTS Representative to the ALA Chapter Relations Committee