Policies and Guidelines
The California Digital Library is a unit within the department of Academic Planning, Programs, and Coordination at the UC Office of the President. The UC Office of the President promulgates the majority of policies that guide the CDL, most notably in the area of information technology. When appropriate, CDL develops policies specific to its role within the UC and broader digital library communities.
California Digital Library Policies
- CDL Information Technology Key Security Guidelines & Baseline Supporting Practices
- CDL Privacy Statement
- CDL Accessibility Policy
- Guidelines for CDL-Hosted Web Sites, Wikis, LISTSERVS and Blogs
- Policy for the Use of California Digital Library Resources for Research (“CDL Research Use Policy”)
- CDL System Access and Account Management Policy
- CDL Terms and Conditions
University of California Policies
- UCOP IT Policies & Guidelines
- University of California Electronic Communications Policy
- Acceptable Use of UCOP Electronic Information Resources
- UCOP Policies (complete list)